Page 95 of First Love Only Love (The Life 2)
She’d changed up the game now; Ms. let’s wait until after the party. Are all females that damn volatile? Damn! She’s a fucking sneak, too, because she didn’t let on at all that she was bothered by the things Victoria had said, but she sure as hell waited until I wasn’t around to act.
Since things had come to this, there was only one thing I could do. I called my grandpa and asked for a favor. “Boy, make up your mind. Do you want her in there or out?”
“Give it a few days until after the party on Saturday.” I’d planned to let Becky sweat in jail for a bit longer before putting the final nail in her coffin, but now I want her and her daughter taken care of before Gianna gets it into her head to pull another stunt like she did today.
Once again, I felt rushed, but in the end, all I was doing was moving the timeline up a little. Felix has been looking for Greta to get some answers, but I’m not about to tell him that I have her, not yet, not until I’m ready for him to hear the truth. I’d wanted to give Gianna more time, but I guess I underestimated the impact the truth had had on her. I doubt she realizes yet how much her world is going to change once that truth is revealed, but it’s too late to turn back now. She opened the door with her fast self, and now I have to do cleanup.
Today’s rehearsal was the best so far. Something about planting my fists in Victoria’s face had loosened me up some, that and the thought of doing it again lit a fire under my feet. The twins weren’t as upbeat, I think Lance had gone off on them in the car, much like Gabriel had done with me, but the others couldn’t stop gushing about how well the session had gone.
Once they left, and it was just the twins and me, I apologized for getting them into trouble. “Is Lance really mad?” I’m still not sure of the dynamics between those three. From what I’ve seen so far, he seems overly protective of them, but so is Gabriel, their dad; in fact, all the males around here treat the girls like spun gold. It’s almost hilarious because it’s as if they don’t know the half of what goes on in these girls’ heads.
I felt guilty, though, for getting them into trouble this time. “He’s always mad, don’t sweat it.” Anna pouted as we left the studio headed for our rooms to clean up. I wasn’t sure which one to go to, Gabriel’s or mine, so I chose mine. He wasn’t too happy with me either, so I’ll give him some time to cool off.
That lasted until after dinner when he all but dragged me to his room. “Don’t be a brat!” Not sure what he meant by that, but okay. Dinner had been a quiet affair. No one mentioned the evening’s events, but the men at the table were visibly pissed.
I’m pretty sure Mr. Russo knew the whole story by now and half expected him to kick me out of his home, but all he did was ask if I was okay and ordered Gabriel to take care of me. Now I’m not sure what story he heard because he seemed irate on my behalf.
“I’m not a brat.”
“Coulda fooled me. Now sit down there, and let’s have a talk.” ‘There’ was the settee in his sitting room where I sat for the next half an hour being lectured. “I know Gabe, you already told me in the car.”
“What did you call me?” Good grief, doesn’t everybody call him that?
You wouldn’t think so the way he leaned forward to glare into my face.
For some reason, I wanted to laugh but stifled the urge because he looked like he’d strangle me if I did. I guess I’m in a mood because I proceeded to poke the bear. “Gabe, isn’t that your name? I hear everyone else using it.” I think he’s part parotia because his eyes changed and became darker. I sat back in my seat, not sure if to run or goad him some more. My head was in a strange space, that’s for sure.
There was a little bit of fear mixed with excitement. And when he leaned in and lifted me from my seat, I think my heart melted into a puddle of goo. That changed quickly when I found myself face down across his lap. “What’re you… Ouch!” I looked over my shoulder at him in shocked silence, and he spanked my butt again.
It didn’t hurt so much as surprise me. “Say it again.” Now don’t ask me what got into me today, but I wasn’t in the mood to give in. So, I looked him dead in the face and repeated it. “Gabe!” And my ass paid the price. “Okay-okay, Gabriel, your name is Gabriel.” My ass was sore by now, but something else was going on with me, something I had no experience with, so could not name.