Page 88 of First Love Only Love (The Life 2)
There was still a harshness about him, but he’d softened plenty in the last couple of weeks, and if he wasn’t exactly back to his old self, this was a huge improvement. Anna and Rosa had decided together to do all they could to facilitate the relationship between their brother and the girl who seemed to have broken him at least partially out of that shell of ice he’d built around himself.
But Gia sure did come with her own issues. As the treasured daughters of two parents who doted on them, the girls had no experience with the kind of life Gia had lived until now, and the more they learned, the more they came to empathize with Gia. Not only because of what she meant to their adored brother but because Gia herself is the kind of person they would’ve chosen as a friend if given a chance.
It’s a testament to the kind of person she is that she was willing to put aside her own issues so as not to interfere with their birthday party. The truth is the girls had been having fun tearing down Victoria’s walls of protection. The things she’d done and still continued to do were the very things they were against. Things they’d been taught to hate in others.
“We’ll do as you’ve said.” Gabe kissed both their heads before heading back downstairs, and the two girls got to work carrying out his orders. “We should let Gia do the dance with the girls and us.”
“Pfft, how can she? We’ve been practicing for weeks; there’re only a few days left before the party.”
“Did you see her dancing with Gabe Rosa? I bet you she can do it. It didn’t take us that long to learn, and she’s damn near a professional.”
“Then there’s Gabe’s reaction….”
“Stop stressing; it’s just a dance; he’ll be fine.” Rosa wasn’t sure she could trust her sister’s secret smile. She knows better than anyone else what that means. She’s about to poke the bear. At least she was sure their brother wouldn’t kill them.
“You, what’re you doing here?” Those were the first words Becky said when she saw me sitting at the table waiting for her.
“Sorry, your lawyer got held up. He had a family emergency in another state.” Not really, but he made the wise decision to be elsewhere when given a choice. “Have a seat.”
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“Fine, I’ll just tell the cops what I know about the things you’ve done since moving here.”
“What’re you talking about?” The fear in her eyes as she turned back to the table was exactly what I wanted to see.
“I’m talking about you and how you came to be here. It’s a long way from the slums of New York and without any job experience or even so much as a high school diploma. Pretty impressive.”
Her eyes widened, and she took her seat. “What do you want, kid? Why are you here? Why the hell are you up my ass?”
“I want you to suffer. I’m here to torment you. Does that answer your question?”
“Why? Because you believed a few lies? Because that…because Gia put on an act to win you over, and you’re too stupid to see the truth?”
Since I wasn’t here to entertain her bullshit and had no time to waste, I got right to the point. “How does it feel to be helpless? To have no control over what happens to you in here. I made sure to let them know that you don’t need special treatment; in fact, I insist on the opposite.”
“I still don’t know what the hell your problem is. Until a few weeks ago, our paths never crossed.”
“I told you already; you shouldn’t have messed with Gianna. You and your daughter crossed a fucking line that you can’t go back from. Now you’re going to see what she felt while you were terrorizing her. Sorry, your cell isn’t as big as the one you put her in, but it’s not much smaller.”
“What the hell are you talking about? That little bitch lied like she always does, and you bought it.” I’m sure she didn’t realize how much her words pissed me off; I’m excellent at hiding what I really feel. She’s trying to get a rise out of me, I’m sure, with her middle school bullshit, but she’s not good enough to goad me into showing my hand too soon.
“How was your night here? You should get used to cells and seeing life through bars.”
“Bullshit, I’m Gia’s stepmother; there are many ways to get out of this, so don’t be too happy that your little game has worked so far.”
“Do you think that this is all I have on you?”
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Let’s just say I don’t think Grand theft auto and passing counterfeit bills is the worst crime you’ve ever committed.” I watched her soul fall out of her body, and her eyes become lifeless.