Page 77 of First Love Only Love (The Life 2)
Her words were a cold reminder of why we couldn’t be together beyond what we’d already shared, and we shouldn’t even have done that. We’re two completely different people. She balks at the thought of killing her mother’s killer while I’ve already planned and plotted the murder of the man who gave me life. I listened as she talked out her frustrations, feeling that deep divide between us once more.
“She should suffer for what she did to mom. Victoria, I know a lot of what she did was instigated by her mom. I can’t blame her for what happened how she was trained as a child, but there are some things that she said and did to me that I can never forget because there comes a point when you learn what’s right and what’s wrong and if you stay on the wrong side then that’s your choice you’re no longer being led.”
She talked herself through it while I listened, prouder by the minute that she was not cowering or running away from this. There was a fire in her that I understood. She hadn’t been willing to stand up for herself, but she was ready to avenge her mom and what had been done to her.
“If you don’t want to kill her, we can have her arrested.”
“But there’s no evidence. Just Greta’s word about what happened, and it was so long ago.”
“Forget evidence; what does your gut tell you?”
“I think she did it. I don’t think Greta would lie.”
“Okay, will you let me handle it?” She looked at me for the first time before looking quickly away again.
“What are you going to do?”
“I’ll figure something out.” Lies, I already have that witch dead and buried.
“Let me think about it some more okay. I’m just so tired. Gabriel!”
“What is it?”
“Do you think my dad knew that he ever suspected?”
“No!” I could say that with all honesty now. It doesn’t excuse him being a shit parent, but I don’t believe he had anything to do with his wife’s murder.
“Will you let me handle it?” I asked again.
“That’s not fair. She was my mom. I can’t just put it all on you.”
“Hey, Gianna, what do you take me for?”
“Huh?” My voice may have been a little sharp.
“Forget it. Let’s get you back inside. It’s chilly out here.” She didn’t seem to realize that she was dressed too thinly for the outdoors.
Her legs gave out when she stood, and I lifted her and started back to the house. “Gabriel, everyone will see.” If she only knew what everyone already knew. I just kissed her temple and kept my mouth shut. She’s had enough upheaval for one day. Speaking of which, “how do you feel?”
She knew what I was referring to because instead of an answer, she buried her face in my neck as if embarrassed. “Sore!” I wasn’t expecting an answer and not one that honest.
“I’ll take care of you. We’ll come up with a plan later, okay.” I’d like to keep her out of it, but it’s her mother, enough said.
The others were still standing out on the front steps looking worried until they saw us coming, then they turned and went inside. I carried her all the way up the stairs into my room, passing the bed that was a wreck and taking her into the en-suite bathroom, where I sat her on the chair in front of the vanity to run her a bath.
"Up!" She stood still while I undressed. “What the… Gianna, you’re bleeding.” There was blood all over her thighs.
“Did your period start?” Words I’ve never uttered in my life and never thought I would. She shook her head and, for some insane reason, laughed while I was about to spaz the fuck out.
“No, you did that.” I looked from her face to between her thighs and back at a loss for words, and that quickly, everything shifted once more. I’ll take care of the Fontanes soon enough, but right now, caring for her the way I should, comes first. I lifted her into the water and knelt by the side of the tub to wash her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up, forgive me. I thought I’d make it back in time.”
She smiled, but that light that had been in her eyes these last few days was now dull. I could kill them for that alone.
“Draco, what’re you doing?”
“Sofia, my beautiful, beautiful baby, come give us a hug.” She came to me smiling even though she had no idea why I was so happy. “Now, do you want to tell me why you were dancing in your office like a crazy person?”
“Did you see our son? He’s in love.”
“And that’s why you’re dancing? I don’t get it.”
You would if I told you, but then I’d have to explain a whole lotta shit that’s best left alone for now. “Isn’t this something to celebrate? I’m happy for him.”