Page 60 of First Love Only Love (The Life 2)
I saw all the plays unfold in the split second it took for me to calm down. If I go to prison, she’s on her own, forget taking revenge in Sicily, she’d be on her own. Back in the clutches of this vermin. I choose her; I’m always going to choose her.
“Touch her again, and I’ll break your face,” I warned Victoria before releasing her with a slight shake for good measure. The mother came out of nowhere, howling like the wild beast she is.
“That’s assault; I’ll have you arrested, that.….” She turned her gaze to Gianna. “How did you get that car?”
“It’s hers; what’s it got to do with you?”
She gripped her keys and made a move toward the car again, totally unhinged. I didn’t want Gianna to hear what I was about to say, so I pushed Becky not so gently away. “Do you want me to call the cops and tell them you sold a stolen car worth a half a million dollars?” She lost all the color from her face.
“Let’s see, in this state, that will get you about twenty-twenty-five years. By the way, this car is insured, but it’s insured in a way that if you hit it or do anything to it, you’d never be able to pay. Think about what that means.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“No, I’m asking you to think of what is worth more to you, the car’s destruction or your life.” I went back to Gianna and took her hand, making sure she was okay. With one last warning look sent Victoria's way, I walked around Becky to help Gianna into the car, leaving her and her empty threats behind. Her daughter’s screams of outrage made me smile as I felt a coldness come over me. I heard screeching tires peel into the parking lot and turned to face this new threat. Fuck me, who called Draco Russo?
“You okay, Gabe, Gianna?”
“Yes, Pop, we’re good. What brings you here?” I just gave him a look because I’m pretty sure he knows the answer to that already. “You two go ahead and get in the car and follow me.”
“Where are we going?”
“To Fontane’s house.”
I walked past my men, who’d raced to get here behind me. After I got the call, I didn’t have time to wait around for them. That’s why a car is always ready with a key in the ignition and sitting at the bottom of the front steps. A different one each day because enemies tend to notice routines.
I ignored the Fontane woman who was trying to get my attention and going about it the wrong way. A crowd had started to gather, and I guess that made her feel brave. “That’s right; the big bad wolf came to save his little snot-nosed brat of a son.” I laughed at that one, preposterous as it was.
She took a few steps back when I looked over my shoulder at her, and I hadn’t even opened my mouth yet. “Lady, I’m not here to save my son. I’m here to save you.” I kept going since the kids were in their car and, with a nod to Gabe’s team to follow them, got into my car and left.
I was still thawing out from the numbness that set in when Matthew called with the news that something was going down. Although I’m not expecting anyone to be brave enough to gun down my kid in the streets, I'm more worried about what he’d do if pushed too far.
I know more than he thinks about what went on in that house. For one, my wife and daughters won’t stop hounding me to do something about it, and for another, I have my way of finding things out that my son doesn’t want me to.
Then there’s Lance, who swears Gabe is going to off someone in that house. Apparently, some shit had gone down in Virginia that Gabe had shared with him while he was still there, and now he’s doubly convinced that Gabe is out for blood.
I didn’t expect things to go this far, but I guess I should’ve known. He’s my son, after all, and I’d do the same if I were in his shoes. But this isn’t like him. He’s a planner. This brawling in the streets is not his style, not even when provoked. But this is twice now in the space of a month that he’s been in a showdown, and I’m afraid he’s reached the point where his tolerance for bullshit is waning.
I wasn’t anywhere near calm by the time I reached Fontane’s house. I didn’t bother with the doorbell, just pounded on the door. The kids were already there, still sitting in the car that was parked on the street instead of the driveway for some reason. They came to meet me at the door just as my phone rang.