Page 41 of First Love Only Love (The Life 2)
“Don’t forget to call your dad.” I reminded her after dropping her off at her class before the first bell.
“I won’t; see you at lunch.”
“I’ll be here.” I watched her walk in before walking away to join Lance, who was waiting for me at the end of the hallway.
“I distinctly remember the girls saying they were going to call you last night. You couldn’t stop them from doing this?” He snort laughed.
“As if they’d listen to me. You should know by now that I don’t tangle with you Russos when you get something between the teeth. Speaking of which, did you ever find out who was tracking you yesterday?”
“It was a misunderstanding, nothing to worry about.” He didn’t look like he believed me but chose to drop it all the same.
I didn’t approach Pop’s new spies right away; I hadn’t had time to think up a plan of what to use them for. My first thought is to sic them on her, make them her watchers, but that’s my job until I vanquish her enemies anyway.
The school day came to an end none too soon, and I could barely contain myself for the few hours between the time we arrived at home and the time we were supposed to leave.
While she got ready to go see her dad, I had some last-minute stuff to take care of, like programming my phone to call me about ten minutes into the visit.
My room was a mess. I’d spent most of the morning looking up my rights per the expulsion, and so far, it wasn’t looking too good. I still didn’t know who’d made the video they claimed they had, but I can take a wild guess; it had to be Gabriel Russo. As to who got me expelled and in such great haste? Everyone knows the Russo family is one of the school’s biggest donators, as well as one of them being on the board.
It’s not fair; no one should get in the middle of a petty family squabble which is all that was and what I would’ve told them had I been given a chance. Instead, I’ve been kicked out of the school that was my only claim to fame with no prospects of ever going back.
While I was riding the wave of injustice, I decided to check the school’s forum, which I knew they wouldn’t boot me from for at least another week when they finally got around to it. I wanted to see what everyone was saying if they even knew. I wasn’t surprised that none of my friends were there. Two had been expelled right along with me, and the other two are nowhere to be found, something I find highly suspicious, but later for that.
I logged on and released the uncertain breath I’d been holding when I wasn't blocked. The board was full of activity, and it all seemed to surround a video titled Lovers Dance. “What’s the big deal about a dance?” I almost scrolled down, but something stopped me, and I gave in and hit play.
The next thing I remember is screaming, and then my room looked like this. Becky came rushing into the room, “What happened? She looked around as if expecting an intruder.
“This, this is what happened, all because you couldn’t control that little bitch.” I dragged her by the arm over to my desk, where those two were still frozen on the screen. She hit play and once again looked like she was about to pass out. “Are you sure that is Gia?” She pointed at the screen and backed away like a crazy person.
“Who else? Look at that, look at what her life is becoming. That’s Gabriel Russo, the hottest guy in town, and he’s dancing with her. WHY?” My head couldn’t hold it in any longer, or I’d explode. I wanted to rip something apart, preferably Gia’s stupid face. My eyes kept going back to the screen, where they were once again frozen in time.
This video had more hits than that first picture of Gia did, and the comments were just as nauseating. All about how good they looked together, what a perfect couple they made, blah-blah-blah. “Ugly duckling turned into a swan, my ass. Give me two minutes alone with that bitch, and I’ll have her back to being the sniveling little twit she was two weeks ago.
My chest heaved with aggravation until I saw the look on mom’s face. “What is it? Why’d you bust in here anyway?”
“Felix just texted, said Gia was coming over this evening and to be on our best behavior. I think he suspects something; he hasn’t been acting the same lately, have you noticed?”
“What do I care? I have my own problems to deal with, things you obviously care nothing about. Maybe I should call up Jimmy and ask him for some help.” That flash of fear in her eye is just what I was after. It’s all her stupid fault that all this was happening.