Page 14 of First Love Only Love (The Life 2)
“Are you fucking her now, is that it?”
“Whoa, Victoria.” Lance tried to check her, not at all pleased with where things were going.
“Leave her, let her talk.”
“Mom said you need to come home. You can’t stay at the Russos forever, and you better not be lying to them about us either.”
“Your mom has nothing to do with her; she’s with me. If she has something to say, tell her to come find me. By the way, where’s your father? I mean your real father, not the one your mother tried to steal for you.”
“What? What’re you talking about?” I just smiled and took Gianna’s arm to lead her to her class. “Oh, and thanks for making this so easy.” I threw back over my shoulder as we walked away. Lance just kept shaking his head like he really didn’t expect things to go this far, but it’s what I’d expected, what I’d hoped for. Emily and Rachel were damn near mortified as if this was the first time they’d seen the bullying up close like that.
“Oh, my goodness, they accosted you. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” No, you’re shaken, but it’s the last time. I’ll make it up to you later, but this was the only way I could see to take care of this part of my plan.
“I’ll see you at lunch; wait for me.” As soon as she walked into her class, I pulled my phone and made a call as I headed to mine.
“Nana, I need a favor.”
“Gabe, aren’t you supposed to be in school? Did something happen?”
“I’m here; the favor involves school.”
“Uh-oh, and you’re not calling your father? What kind of trouble are you in? Do I need…”
“No, it’s not for me, and Pop can’t help; he’s not on the board of trustees.”
I gave her the bare bones ending with today’s little fiasco, knowing how she’d react. I could get Victoria expelled with just the two witnesses from today, but that wasn’t enough. I know once nana and her little blue-haired crew get involved, not only Victoria but her mother will feel the brunt of it. They only think they know what ostracization is; now they’ll learn what that shit feels like.
“Fontane, why does that name sound so familiar?”
“Gianna’s mom used to do a lot of charitable work in our community.”
“Oh, is that the young lady that passed? Your mom mentioned something about her lately. I think I remember her vaguely. You go on to class; I’ll get right on this. I’ll get back to you by the end of the day. You must bring your young lady to dinner with the family soon.”
How did she get that from what I said? I in no way indicated that I had any interest in Gianna, but I guess the fact that I was making the call was all the proof she needed. “I think it might take longer than the end of the day.” I ignored her other comment.
“Of course, it won’t.” She hung up.
“Damn Gabe, that’s cold. You brought out the big guns.” Lance shuddered like he’d caught a sudden chill. I’d all but forgotten he was there. And he’s right. Nana can make Draco look like a choirboy. She’s the one person the men in my family bow to in all matters. Victoria and Becky don’t stand a chance.
“Have you heard? Three people got expelled this morning.”
“Really, who?”
“Victoria Fontane, Jessica Adler, and Amber Vaughn.”
“What the heck happened?”
“I’m not sure, still waiting for the details, but apparently, it had something to do with Gabe Russo.”
“Whoa, they messed with him? Are they dense? That guy is like Loki.”
“Shh, he’s right over there. He’ll hear you.”
Loki? Have I been too soft? How dare he? Still, I had to hide a smile. Nana works fast. I kept my eyes closed, and my head leaned back against the chair in the dining hall where the others were eating lunch at my table. It was more crowded today than any other, but I didn’t complain because they were here to see Gianna.
I know she heard the whispers because her body tensed up, and I felt her head swivel in my direction. When the shakes started, I covered her hand on the table with mine but didn’t open my eyes. I was too busy navigating my thoughts around what I suspect would be Victoria’s next move. Now that she was off school grounds, Gianna would have one place free of her and could see the sun now that she was out from behind her damn shadow.
The twins and their friends carried on their conversations, mostly about the party or Gianna’s transformation, without missing a beat, and she soon settled down again. “Has everyone found their dresses yet?”
“Girl, please, is that a question?” Tasha answered Rosa.
“I haven’t. I only just got my invite. What about you, Emily?”