Page 53 of The Best Men (The Best Men 1)
“I’m all in,” he says, and then I show him better uses for our mouths.
Mark lets out a horny grunt and grabs my ass with both hands. And I slide my body down his until I can plunder his mouth with my greedy one. Until our cocks line up and gyrate together.
This is exactly what we need. A slow, dirty grind. Wet kisses and even wetter bodies.
If Flip or Hannah decided to take a midnight stroll, we would be caught in a heartbeat. I fucking love the riskiness of this. But even more, I love how much Mark loves it. He is a goddamn study in contrasts. Nerdy banker. Spreadsheet maker. Skinny-dipper.
Sometimes, getting to know a guy makes him less interesting. But not Mark Banks. His slippery, questing hands light me up.
And I can’t wait to see what else he’ll do next.
There’s no cell in my spreadsheet for the way I feel right now.
Asher was right—the sheet is a piss-poor way to describe all the things I’m feeling, and all the things I want. There aren’t even words for the way the water caresses my body, making me tingle everywhere. Or the way Asher’s kisses taste. Like heat. And need.
Getting into the pool was the best idea I’ve ever had. And it turns out that a swimming pool isn’t actually a boner killer after all. I’m on fire, and mere cold water could never extinguish it.
My brain is full of static as Asher climbs off my lap. “Come on,” he whispers. “Out you go.”
I take a drunken glance at the house. It’s dark and quiet. I should probably be shocked when Asher guides me down onto a chaise lounge again.
And I should be even more shocked when he says, “Hands and knees.”
But I’m not shocked. I’m just . . . consumed with want.
I sneak another glance at the house. The chair Asher chose is blocked by a potted palm. So if someone does wander by, only eighty percent of my dignity will be shredded.
And I’m too drunk on lust to care.
I do as I’m told. Suddenly, a cool hand wanders up my inner thigh. A muscular knee presses between my legs. It’s almost rude, the way he’s spreading me open.
Yup. There should be a spreadsheet cell for nudging my knees apart like he owns them. Hell, I might need a whole new tab for the way he’s manhandling me right now.
I wait for the snick of the lube bottle, but it never comes. Has he lost it? I lift my head to look around when suddenly his thumbs spread my ass cheeks apart, and a hungry tongue traces my rim.
My head falls forward as a hot gasp escapes my chest.
But I lose his tongue immediately. And then one of his hands reaches around to clamp over my mouth as his chest covers my back. “Quiet,” he snarls into my ear.
I nearly come on the spot.
He’s braced me with strong arms against his body. My dick is as hard as a telephone pole. And the hiss of his voice in my ear is the sexiest part of all. “Banks. If you make any more noise, I’ll have to take you inside.”
I nod in agreement.
Releasing his hold, he kisses a slow path down my back. I’m vibrating with anticipation as he spreads me apart slowly again. And I stop breathing when his hot mouth finds my hole.
It’s . . . outrageous how good that feels. Slick and dirty. I press my face against my arms and try to breathe instead of moaning. But when he snakes a naughty hand between my thighs to tease my balls, I have to bite my own wrist.
And it doesn’t stop. He licks and teases and tortures me until I’m a damn mess. Until I’m so hard it hurts. But the moment I reach down to try to rub my aching cock, he gives me a single, sharp slap on the ass.
Then he grabs my arm and pulls me up off the chair. “We’re going in,” he whispers. Or maybe I only hear it in my head as he grabs our clothing off the deck and shoves it into my arms, along with my glasses.
I follow him at a fast clip into the house, where he closes the door behind us and orders me onto his bed.
Asher disappears for a moment. I hear water running as I haul the comforter off the king-sized bed and lie spreadeagled on the sheet. My heart is pounding like I’ve run a half marathon, and my cock is heavy like an anvil between my legs.
I’ve never felt more alive than I do right this second.
“Roll onto your side, baby,” he rasps as he returns to the room. “Bend your knee.”
I look up, and there he is in all his muscular glory, and he looks voracious. God, I’m a lucky man. Loopy with desire, I arrange my body the way he’s asked as he sinks onto the bed in front of me. He opens the lube bottle and pours some into his hand. My eyes practically roll back in my head as he reaches around to press the pad of one thick finger against my hole.