Page 6 of Tease Me (Hart of Stone Family 1)
“Eh, I have nothing better to do. What about you? Any plans after this?” The singer croons about “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” It’s a classic and one that should never get cut from weddings, ever.
“No, well, besides heading down to the beach, sinking my toes in the sand, and looking at the moonlight,” I admit, probably more than Tanner ever wanted to know about me and my obsession about the beach.
“Then let’s get out of here.” Tanner stops our dance, grabs my hand, and I’m forced to follow.
“Tanner, slow your roll, please. I’m in a dress and heels.” I have to double-step for every one of his long strides.
“Shit, sorry.” His hand doesn’t leave mind as he stops us.
“It’s okay. I’m just in heels, and you know, tight dress here.” I point down to my dress and my sky-high shoes.
Tanner grunts when his eyes blaze down the length of my body. His unoccupied hand rubs down the length of his face, and when he recovers, it’s at a much slower pace.
“Champagne your choice of poison?” As Tanner bends down, his lips graze the shell of my ear.
“I’m okay with that.” I breathe in his scent. It’s earthy, with the underlying scent of coconut, making me think of what I love so much—the sun, the water, and the waves.
“Good.” We walk to the bar, this time much slower. He drops my hand, pulls out some cash, talks to the bartender, they do an exchange in which he takes the offered bottle, a champagne flute, and two bottles of beer, which I’m assuming is for himself.
“Thanks, man, I appreciate it.” Did I mention the reception is right on the beach? Well, a hotel at the beach, I should say, and it’s only a few blocks from my house here in Seaside, Florida. It just so happens that our weather is warm for January. That doesn’t mean the water won’t be frigid, but it’ll be worth it to feel the water rush at my legs.
“Not a problem. Have a good night,” the bartender replies.
“Ready?” I watch as Tanner transfers the beer into the breast pockets of his suit and laugh because now it looks like he has a deformity growing out of his chest.
“Yes, but I could help you hold some things, you know.” I point at how he’s got things in every which way.
“I’ve got it under control. If I had a tool belt, it’d be even easier.” He winks at me, which has me thinking all kinds of crazy thoughts.
“Well, then I guess we’re ready for the beach.” Tanner holds his arm out for me. I loop mine through his and match his gait now that he’s not in a hurry.
“Do you live around here?” he asks once we make it out of the reception part of the hotel. The lobby is right in front of us.
“Just a few blocks from here. What about you?”
“More inland, only because the business, and my family lives in town.” A breeze hits us as the doors open. A shiver ripples through my body. Even with the sometimes-oppressive heat that Florida is known for, by the time the night falls, it can turn downright chilly.
“That’s right. Taylor mentioned you have a family-owned construction business,” I tell him, thinking about all the times the four of us were supposed to get together but didn’t get to because he was working and I’ve been just as busy. Now that Taylor’s wedding is over as well as the holiday season, I’m taking a much-needed week off.
“I hear you’re doing pretty well for yourself, too. Kinda crazy how we haven’t crossed paths until tonight,” Tanner verbalizes what I’ve been thinking ever since Taylor sent me the picture of him.
“Sleep, work, eat, repeat has been my life for the past what seems like six months. I am really sorry I didn’t make it last night. I was ready to drive through the night if it meant getting here on time.” That thought makes me want to shudder, but I would have done it.
“I get that. It’s why I finally had to let my brothers take over this weekend. I can’t even imagine the shit I’ll be walking into come Monday morning.”
“I vote we don’t think or talk about work for the rest of the night. The thought of picking up a needle and thread has my fingers cramping.” I curl my hands in a fist-like manner before straightening them again, already knowing I’ll be eating ibuprofen for a week solid and resting more than I want to.
“That we can do, sweetheart. We find a place to settle down, I’ll even massage those hands of yours,” Tanner says in a way that I know it’s genuine and not in a way some men would use as an excuse to get their rocks off.