Page 26 of Show Me How (Forbidden Fantasies 41)
I roll my eyes and climb off the couch but to be honest, my twin’s words aren’t surprising. We’ve been living in a daze, and empty pizza boxes are scattered about, along with random bottles of liquor and even some KFC boxes. I don’t usually eat genetically modified chicken, but the last few days have been so fucked up that I made an exception.
But when I open the door, who’s there but the curvy girl herself. She looks gorgeous, even with no make-up and dressed in grimy sweats.
“Hi,” Mara says in a low tone. “Can I come in?”
I step aside to let her in, and Mara takes a deep breath before entering. Casper’s sat up on the couch, and he’s raking his hand through his hair to try to get it in order. Unfortunately, it just makes the strands more messy.
“Hey sweetheart,” he growls. “Come on in. Ignore the mess. Our cleaning lady got sick so she wasn’t able to come.”
But Mara shakes her head.
“No, it’s fine. I’ve been living in a pigsty too. It’s been a tough time for all of us.”
I drop into a seat and take my fill of the gorgeous girl.
“It has, sweetheart, and we’ve missed you. How have you been?”
Mara swallows heavily. “I’m okay.” But then she takes a deep breath and meets our eyes. “Actually, I’m not okay. I’ve been feeling awful.”
I nod and reach over to take a small palm in my big hand.
“Us too, baby girl. But what can we do to make it better? There’s nothing that can explain away our actions other than the fact that somewhere along the way, things changed. We fell in love with you, but I know that doesn’t excuse anything.”
Mara inclines her head as tears come to her eyes.
“I guess … well, I guess everything just happened so fast, but I’ve had some time to think about things,” she says, her chin trembling. “You guys have helped me a lot. You helped me realize that I don’t want to be an attorney anymore, and that actually, I enjoy the life of an escort. If you want me to work as a hostess at Club Z, then I will,” she says in a strong voice. “I owe you that.”
I shake my head growling.
“No, absolutely not.”
“Are you crazy, baby?” Casper adds. “We love you, honey. There’s no way we’d share you with another man, much less let you fuck strangers for money.”
“But then why did you ask me to consider being a hostess?” she asks in a tearful tone. “What was that about?”
I shake my head regretfully once more.
“It was all part of the plan because yes, our original intention was to recruit you for our business. But that doesn’t matter anymore, and we should have stopped to think before making that request. We don’t want you to escort anymore, sweetheart. Not for City Girls, and definitely not for us.”
At that, Mara begins to cry for real.
“Are you sure?” she sobs.
At that, my brother and I move to sit on either side of the gorgeous woman as I cradle her face in my large hands.
“Absolutely, baby girl. We adore you and want you for ourselves. No sharing, ever.”
With that, she leans against my chest, her tears dampening the material of my shirt. I cradle her in my strong arms as Casper strokes her back, speaking soothing words of love.
“We adore you,” he rasps. “More than you know. You’ll never work on your back again.”
Mara cries some more, but then raises her head, her cheeks glistening.
“Good, I’m glad,” she hiccups. “Because I’m expecting your child, Clay and Casper, so it would be wrong to be doing that while I’m pregnant with your baby.”
At first, we can’t speak but then both of us begin to smile and laugh.
“Are you really?” my brother breathes. “Holy shit!”
“This is a dream come true,” I whisper into Mara’s ear before pressing a kiss to her throat. “This is the best gift you could give a man, and we’re over the moon with joy.”
The pretty girl pulls away with a tearful smile.
“So you’re not angry?”
“Absolutely not,” I say immediately. “Yes, it’s a surprise, but that’s okay. Baby Richmond is growing in here,” I say, pressing a reverent hand to her belly. “And I can’t wait to meet him or her.”
With that, everything’s settled. Well, actually nothing’s settled because we don’t know what Mara’s going to do for a career, where she’s going to live, or even if she wants to be with us. But what we do know is that we love each other, and that somehow, we will figure this out. After all, that’s what life is about: loving the one you’re with, and muddling along until things get to wonderful. And now that Mara’s back in our lives, I know that wonderful is just around the corner.