Page 21 of Show Me How (Forbidden Fantasies 41)
“Yeah, they’re involved,” she spits. “Because they control the enterprise! Don’t you get it? They’re buttering you up! They’re grooming you, the way predators do.”
Okay, I’m really confused now.
“But how? What are they doing? I mean, yes, I’ve been sleeping with them, but we haven’t done more than that. How are they grooming me?”
Clarissa laughs harshly.
“Don’t you get it? They’re recruiting you to be a Club Z hostess! You know those sluts who serve drinks naked and who let any man pound their holes? Well, that’s you, sweetheart,” she sneers. “Have they asked you to serve at one of their parties yet?”
Bile rises in my throat. As a matter of fact, Clay and Casper did suggest that in an off-hand tone just last night. They said that I might enjoy it, and that it could even be fun. To be honest, I was amenable to the idea because I’m excited about pushing my boundaries further, although I’m not sure just how far yet. But Casper and Clay didn’t have some nefarious purpose, did they? This is more than a calculated business move, surely.
“I’m certain this is a mistake,” I say in a firm tone. “The Richmonds would never do that.”
“No, it’s not a mistake,” Clarissa hisses. “How dumb can you be, Mara? They find girls through other dating sites, and then groom them to become Club Z sex hostesses. Don’t you get it? They need girls who are ready, willing, and able, and where better than to find those girls than your competitors. FUUUUUCK!” she screams. “City Girls is so fucked!”
“It’s not,” I say quickly. “I’m sure things are fine.”
“No, things aren’t fine!” Clarissa screams, her voice rising an octave as she flies off the handle. “You remember Ashley? Bridget? Janine?”
I nod.
“The names sound familiar, yes. I think I may have met them before. Ashley has red hair right? And Janine has brown?”
Clarissa nods, practically foaming at the mouth now.
“Well, guess what? All three girls work for Club Z now, courtesy of your boyfriends! Casper and Clay have been requesting dates from the agency, only to use the opportunity steal our property. I could fucking kill them! Fuck those twins, and those girls too!”
With that, my heart drops to my feet and my arm goes limp.
“This has to be a misunderstanding. I’m sure this is all a mistake, and Ashley and Janine found their way to Club Z on their own.”
Clarissa snorts rudely.
“How dumb can you be, Mara? Are you sure you have a law degree? No, the fucking Richmonds recruited them from right under our noses, the same way they’re recruiting you. Tell me, Mara. You’ve been living with them for a while now: are they paying you? Have they offered you money for your services? Because it’s just a matter of time before you’re taking your clothes off at Club Z to make money for them!”
I inhale sharply, my heart contracting with pain. This can’t be true. I don’t believe these evil things Clarissa saying about the Richmonds. My lovers aren’t manipulative liars out to make a buck off my body.
Or are they? As my mind reviews the recent past, suddenly I realize that everything Clarissa’s saying is true. I’ve been getting paid for my time providing sex to the twins. Not only that, but they did ask me to hostess at the next Club Z event, although I thought it was just to add spice to our lives, rather than having sex with strangers. But maybe I’m being naïve. Maybe I am being groomed, and I just don’t know it.
“Listen, Clarissa, I’ll talk to you later, okay? Let me sort this out,” I say in a trembling voice.
The middle-aged woman sniffs, her lips pursed into a thin line.
“There’s nothing to sort out,” she snaps dismissively. “This is the Richmonds’ M.O. You just don’t realize it because you’re a pawn in their game. But I don’t blame you. After all, how can a little pawn go up against two all-powerful kings? The truth is that you can’t.”
Then, Clarissa hangs up on me, and I stare at the blank screen, gaping. Another rush of nausea hits me, and I bend over, retching into the toilet once more. This can’t be happening. My lovers haven’t sold me down the river. Clay and Casper adore me, and even more, I’m having their baby too. But what if everything Clarissa said it’s true? Maybe all this has been nothing but a lie, and I’m the girl too stupid to see through their lies.
* * *
I stir a pot of pasta, humming as the noodles boil. Clay and I like to cook, and tonight we’re preparing our grandmother’s special spaghetti and meatballs. It’s a treat because each meatball is humongous and seasoned with a special spice mix, in addition to being made of the finest steak meat from our local Italian grocery. My mouth waters as the aroma hits my nostrils, and I can tell my brother’s getting hungry too. He’s putting the finishing touches on our garlic bread, and the gooey butter mix looks revolting and yet also delicious.