Page 17 of Show Me How (Forbidden Fantasies 41)
“I think the better question is: do we share women in our lives in general, in addition to when we’re out and about? And the answer would be yes, most of the time. It’s something that works for us, and we enjoy the menage. It may surprise you, but the women enjoy it too. Sometimes they even ask for it.”
I gasp.
Clay chuckles.
“Yes, absolutely. Once you’ve been with both of us, there’s no going back. Women like to be pushed sexually too, and this is one way to satisfy that itch. But then the itch becomes an addiction, and pretty soon, we’ve got a woman begging us on her knees for more.”
That makes me frown and my throat stops up for a moment.
“Wait a minute. Are you seeing anyone else right now? Not just dating, but in any sense whatsoever. Even through City Girls,” I choke out. My heart’s racing and suddenly I can’t breathe.
But the men shake their heads immediately, sensing my discomfort.
“No baby, not at all. We don’t need anyone else now that you’re here.”
My stomach settles because that was a huge concern of mine. I know I have no right to feel this way, and yet the answer puts me at ease. It’s crazy because I’m starting to feel addicted to Casper and Clay myself, but I have no claim on them. I can’t be making demands of my handsome clients, and yet, here I am doing exactly that.
What’s wrong with me? After all, these are men who are paying for my time, so why do I feel so helpless? But I push it out of my head for the moment. I’ll try to sort out my emotions later, when I’m not dazed after a night of making love.
But still, I can’t help myself and continue my line of questioning.
“How do you find out about those parties, like the one from last night? Is there an underground network of sorts?”
Casper chuckles with amusement and inclines his dark head.
“Sort of. We’ve been in Manhattan a long time so yeah, we’re part of a lot of networks. There are many exclusive businesses catering to wealthy men with money, as you might guess.”
I tilt my chin with question.
“Yes, but if it’s so exclusive, then how were you able to bring me? Don’t they frown on that sort of thing? I mean, they didn’t do a background check on me or anything. I could be an axe murderer.”
The twins grin with amusement.
“We have our ways,” Clay says lightly. “They know us, and trust me: a beautiful female guest is always appreciated.”
Hmm. That’s not much of an answer, but then again, many things aren’t as they seem in New York. Hell, during the day I’m an upstanding attorney ready to do battle on behalf of justice, but then in the evenings, I’m a high-class escort satisfying the desires of rich men. If there’s anyone who leads a double life, it’s me.
Of course, I have a million more questions for Casper and Clay, but now’s not the time because breakfast is ready. The two men plate up our meals and we take seats around a glass dining table to eat.
“Mmm,” I moan while swallowing a big bite of waffle. “That hits the spot.”
The twins chuckle.
“Good,” growls Casper. “We’re glad. But enough about us and our lives. Did you enjoy yourself last night, Mara?” he asks while digging into his scrambled eggs.
I smile brightly.
“I did and I was just thinking that I feel like I’m living a double life. Attorney by day, sex party attendee by night. Isn’t that one for the ages?”
Casper laughs so hard that he nearly spits out a mouthful of orange juice. “Yeah, but is it worth it?”
“Yes,” I answer without hesitation. “I love my work, even if I’m going to be fired if the law firm ever finds out. I mean, they would not look on City Girls with an approving eye, I can guarantee that.”
The men nod seriously.
“Yes, but what made you go into law to begin with?” Casper asks. “You’re obviously smart, sweetheart, but it sounds like a pretty rigid job. I mean, the law just sounds so boring and dry.”
I think for a second. “It can be sometimes, and there isn’t any specific reason I studied law,” I reply in a slow tone. “I suppose I’ve always loved to read and write, and I enjoy helping people too. I figured becoming an attorney would be the best of both worlds.”
The men’s brows raise.
“And has it lived up to your expectations?”
I pause to think for a moment, chewing my lip. “Yes, in a way. I love my job, I really do, and I enjoy helping defendants who are in a whole lot of trouble. It can be a slog, though, and that part’s rough. Sometimes I work eighty-hour weeks just to stay on top of my case load.”