Page 55 of Bad Boy Rich
“I guess you need it. A marathon with Wesley Rich requires stamina.”
I snuggle into his side, following him out of my room and into the living area. Kail is nowhere to be seen, Flynn briefly telling us that she was a no-go therefore he sent her home.
Wesley snickers, encouraging the boy talk while I order pizza. By the time I come back from the kitchen, the two of them are playing some game on the PlayStation, ignoring my presence.
“Sorry babe,” Wesley says, paying full attention to the screen with the remote in his hand and a character on the screen in some sort of battlefield. “Just after this level.”
I let out a fake groan, but deep inside—I was happy.
My brother and boyfriend becoming friends…there was no better sight than this.
I had always considered myself an even-tempered person. I wasn’t one for drama, didn’t enjoy attention or had any need to be the focus in anyone’s life. I plodded along; worked different jobs to make ends meet and wasn’t one to have many aspirations. With no disrespect to Mom, I’d watch her do the same thing almost every day and there was nothing wrong with that in my opinion.
Occasionally, someone in town had a bright idea to start a business, move away and the next minute—they’re front page on the local newspaper as our newest successful export.
LA was completely different. People were itching to climb the ladder of success and after spending some time here, I had somewhat caught the success bug.
Even with Wesley around, I still managed to work hard and make sure I was going above and beyond what Emerson needed. It was a juggling act at best. Wesley demanded attention. In his presence—it was all about him.
Wesley left the apartment at the crack of dawn, telling me he wanted to hit the gym before heading to work. He kissed me goodbye, attempted a last-minute quickie in which he won. Then poof—he was gone.
We didn’t get to talk much last night since most of the night was all about Flynn.
I was certain they formed a bro-mance. I even overheard Wesley setting up some gig that Flynn could play at this super popular club.
They talked about music, laughed about some show on MTV and despite my invisibility in the room—I was genuinely happy they got along so well. It was one less battle to fight and hopefully, Flynn could break the news to Mom and tell her how much of an awesome boyfriend Wesley is to make it easier on me when I dropped the bomb.
He was awesome…except for when he got into a mood and acted like an overly hormonal teenager with a brooding face. And his obsession with my whereabouts and responding to his messages. Now that I think of it, it was borderline creepy.
But the best-sex-you’ve-ever-had outweighs creepy by a longshot. This is what happens when your boyfriend is insanely sexy and has the stamina of a wild stallion. Your vagina becomes a bossy bitch and boy did she boss me around.
Sitting at the dining table, I drink my coffee and answer some emails to distract myself from thinking about Wesley. I thought about Liam, and Phoebe. Contemplating texting the both of them just to say hello. A part of me missed them terribly, even Liam. And the other part of me told me to let them be—for now. If I wanted a chance to build my life here, I needed to distance myself from them and spend more time with Wesley and Flynn.
And Wesley kept me busy.
I remember how Liam and I would lie down on his bed for hours on end, watching shows or talking about random things. Wesley is the polar opposite. When he was with me—he kept me on my toes. Never a moment to stop and talk. It was unimaginable that something so simple could be so difficult.
The coffee was not helping calm my anxiety. I decided to leave home early and get a start on the day and not remind myself for the hundredth time that Emerson and Wesley were meeting up around lunchtime.
Their meeting would occur downtown. I didn’t ask much because the less I knew, the better. It didn’t stop me thinking about it and it wasn’t like me to be so obsessive over something, or should I say—someone.
“Don’t you just love this fall line that Emerson will wear in New York?” Aurora hands me her iPad. The designs
were beautiful, long coats and earthtone colors. “I was also thinking about a line for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you do have this eclectic style, very…what’s the word I’m looking for?” She brings her finger to her lip, tapping while thinking. Her eyes light up the moment it comes to her. “Retro!”
“Um, thanks, I guess.” I smile politely, unsure if she was complimenting me or ridiculing me. “What were you thinking?”
Aurora’s iPad was her life. She carried it around like a priest would carry a bible. It was even covered in a Louis Vuitton case which was specially designed for her.
On the screen are some sketches and designs of dresses, different to what she showed me earlier for Emerson. I really liked what she had planned for me to wear—I just couldn’t afford to splurge on anything right now.
“It’s really nice of you, Aurora. It’s just that, I can’t afford to spend money right now. Part of me working this job is to pay for my mom’s care.”
She laughs, slapping my shoulder gently. “Don’t be silly. It’s part of your package. Didn’t Emerson tell you that?”