Page 46 of Bad Boy Rich
“That’s uncalled for!” A waiter walking past turns my way, quickly moving on with his head bowed down. “You don’t know Wesley. Just because you read it doesn’t mean it’s true. I haven’t changed. Maybe you’ve changed. I have to go now.”
“Well, just to make you feel better, Liam is fucking Sienna; the hot blonde from the pub.”
“Thanks a lot,” I respond rudely. “I have to go now.”
I hang up the phone without haste, letting out an annoyed huff. How dare she say those things to me. Despite our close friendship, her words were mean and hurtful. I turn the corner in a fluster, only to be blocked by a man. I don’t recall seeing him before; older yet dashing in his black tuxedo.
“You must be Wesley’s new girlfriend. Gina told me all about you.” He extends his hand with an inviting smile. “I’m Carson Cole. Gina’s husband.”
“Oh right.” I return the gesture, ignoring the fact that he held onto my hand much longer than I anticipated. “Wesley’s stepfather. Have you seen him around by any chance?”
He’s standing awfully close to me, making me somewhat uncomfortable.
“I haven’t, but you know, Wesley isn’t one to commit. Take it from me, darling, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. You’re a pretty girl.” He glances rather obviously at my chest, his breathing fast paced.
“I should probably go find him.”
Carson grabs my arm, a little forceful. “Why don’t we go find him together. I think I saw him upstairs.”
“How about you let go of my arm?” I point out, biting down to stop myself from screaming. “I have to go.”
I turn left, unsure where I was heading. It’s a dead end, making me anxious as I know that Carson is close by. A door opens, a waiter exiting what looks like the kitchen with a tray full of canapés. I go inside, zig-zagging between the kitchen staff busily preparing meals. The other entrance opens up to a small patio where a few people are standing around smoking. I scramble through the grass, stilettos digging into the dirt till I’m back at the front.
Wesley is beside the fountain; a young woman in front of him standing rather close. I stop fast in my tracks, watching them from afar. I could only see her physique from behind; curvy backside in a tight white dress that stopped just short of ass. If it were any shorter, I was certain her anatomy would be seen by everyone here at the party.
The pumps she wore were gold and strappy, wrapping around her ankle and reaching her mid-calf. Her figure—slim, and exactly how the magazines depicted actresses. No doubt she was one.
I did, however, admire the color of her hair. A bright colored red that was paper straight and fell just above her waist. Though my gut is telling me that I shouldn’t be admiring a woman who has casually placed her hand on my boyfriend’s chest.
Wesley seems agitated, removing her hand abruptly and lighting up a smoke.
“Fuck off. What are you doing here?”
“Stop the games. Let’s go…c’mon, a quick fuck upstairs. You can take me up the ass…I know you loved it that way.”
Wesley smiles; my stomach swarmed with this sick feeling from his enthusiasm. This wasn’t the way to start a relationship. I could butt in, interrupt this so-called hookup, or I could act mature—trust in my boyfriend.
I so wanted to trust him…
His smile becomes a sinister laugh. “I took you up the ass so I didn’t have to look at your face. Go away.”
The woman attempts to slap his face, but Wesley is quick to hold her back.
“You asshole!” she shouts, defiant and stomping her feet. “The last time you chose to act like this, you paid a very high price, Wesley. I’m not sure you want to make the same mistake again.”
“Sweetheart.” He touches her face, admiring her lips with a longing gaze. “You are the mistake. You’re everyone’s mistake. Now carry on, I’m sure Carson is waiting for you in his office. I’ve heard he likes young ass too. Right up your alley.”
Her words were jumbled, and with an irritated huff, she disappears back into the house leaving Wesley alone. Whatever I just witnessed, seemed surreal. It was like I walked onto the set of a soap opera. People sleeping with random people, deceit, lies. This wasn’t me.
No, me was hanging out with my best friend back home, lying on the grass out back and counting the stars while we consume large bags of marshmallows and discussed Phoebe marrying a prince of some small country which led her to becoming a queen. Foolish, out-of-this-world but nevertheless—it’s what we did.
Tonight was too much for me. The events, the people, losing my best friend and Wesley’s promiscuous ways. I couldn’t rid myself of the ill feeling that nestled its way and just sat in the pit of my stomach. It could be the shrimp, but I knew deep down it was more than that. This, all of this—is another world to me. It terrified me.
And when something drove fear into me, my reaction was always to make it go away. Do whatever it takes.
Taking slow breaths, I walk towards the fountain. Wesley’s eyes meet mine with an annoyed expression.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he barks, irritated.