Page 120 of Roomie Wars Box Set
“No. Wide awake, Mia.”
“Good. Zoey mentioned the bid went through. I have the contracts in my car, and I happen to be only two blocks away from your neighborhood. Do you want me to drop them off?”
“That would be handy, but I really don’t want you to go out of your way. It’s late.”
“I’d rather do it now. Just text me your address, and I’ll be there soon.”
She hangs up quickly as the text comes through. Entering the address into her GPS, it tells us the location is ten minutes away.
“Why didn’t you say I was with you?”
“He didn’t ask.”
With Mia distracted, I check my cell and find nothing from Drew. Disappointed, I respond to Noah’s text letting him know I’m engaged. Better to put out that fire before it becomes another issue with Drew.
Slater’s apartment is a studio in a posh neighborhood. He told me he often travels between here, Los Angeles, and London owning apartments in each location. Pulling up at the location we slide out of the car.
We’re greeted by a friendly doorman who ushers us toward the elevator. Slater’s apartment is on the fifth floor along with another three apartments. We walk toward number four, Mia knocking gently as I stand behind her, keeping still.
He opens the door dressed in jeans and a white tee, barefoot. When his eyes meet mine, the muscles in his cheeks spread into a wide grin with his lips parting slightly. He tells us to step in allowing Mia to pass but stopping me at the door. He reaches for the whistle draped around my neck, lifting it between his fingers followed by a sly smile. “Interesting.”
“It’s easy to blow,” I blurt out.
“I bet.” He laughs, then casually lifts my sash while waiting for a response.
“Don’t ask… it’s not what you think.”
“What do I think?” Keeping his tone low, his gaze shifts to my lips.
“You know, sexual things. But I swear it’s not. Mia just thought it would be fun because Drew is so anal when it comes to cleaning. That’s it. Nothing more… just cleaning,” I ramble on unnecessarily to cover my embarrassment.
Pursing his lips, he places his hand on the small of my back directing me inside.
The apartment is quite large for a studio, modern and sleek with an air of masculinity. The furniture is minimal but enough to make an impact. Mia sits down on the sofa looking exhausted. Poor girl, she made it to midnight, way beyond her eight o’clock bedtime.
“Here you go, Slater.” She yawns. “It’s all ready with the tabs so the client can sign. Zoey did the final touches before we left this afternoon.”
“Kind of you to drop it off so late. You didn’t have to.” He places it on the coffee table beside the remote. The television is paused on a movie—Cocktail.
“Would you like a drink or anything to eat?”
“No thanks.” Her eyes are drifting off. “Just let me powernap, and I’ll be good to drive home.” Her snores sound through the apartment as Slater motions for me to join him in the kitchen.
“Coffee, wine?”
“Coffee and wine? Just kidding. Coffee, please. I’m too old for partying like this.”
“You look happy.”
“It’s called wine and tequila and men in leopard thongs dancing to Madonna.”
“Sounds like quite a night. Looks like it took your mind off things.”
“It did. I was banned from using my phone. Except to text this guy I slept with. One of Mia’s ridiculous games. But she’s asleep. Maybe I should text Drew now?”
I pull out my phone at the same time Slater places his hand over mine, stopping me. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea,” he warns, placing the coffee in front of me.
“Why? It’s just a hello.”