Page 99 of Into the Light
I was fit to burst…well, until Charlotte said we had to use condoms because she hadn’t figured out what to do yet to prevent her from getting knocked up. Fucking raincoats on my dick felt wrong. We used it once and then I told her I wasn’t wearing that shit again and I’d rather pull out. Of course, Miss Cautious said that was a joke; I couldn’t pull out if my life depended on it. Okay, so she had me there. I told her to go see Dad and have him give her the mini pill since she was breastfeeding; she proceeded to tell me that was wrong on so many levels. I didn’t fucking care, I just wanted to fuck my wife and blow inside her like the real man I am! Right, that sounded like something Rocky would say; next, I’ll be calling everyone dude.
The day before we were due to fly out to LA, Adriana invited us over for dinner. Adriana had no choice but to tell Elijah over the phone that she was pregnant since he was in Australia for two months. He returned two weeks ago, and unfortunately, I hadn’t had the chance to see him yet. Charlotte was still upset that Adriana had no idea about the cancer returning and I kept reminding her that it was Elijah’s decision to keep it a secret, not ours.
“Lex, have you any idea what it’s like keeping secrets from Adriana? I didn’t like it all those years ago, and I sure as hell don’t feel comfortable doing it now. I’m not sure our friendship would survive it again”.
We drove over to Brooklyn to have dinner with them and I had warned Charlotte repeatedly to not mention anything to Adriana.
Elijah opened the door, and much to my surprise, he looked well. I patted him on the back as Charlotte went to hug him, maybe for a bit too long and the last thing I wanted was for Adriana to be suspicious.
We walked into the kitchen where Adriana had laid out dinner for us. She had cooked my favorite pot roast, just like Mom’s. I sure was going to miss having her so close by.
She rambled on about the baby and surprised us with some news. “So, I’m a little further along than we expected. It turns out I am five months already.”
“Totally explains the belly… see, I told you it wasn’t all the donuts you were eating,” Charlotte chuckled.
“And we also found out the sex of the baby…”
Lex and I waited in anticipation.
“It’s a boy!” Adriana squealed.
Charlotte jumped up and hugged her, then moved onto Elijah. I congratulated them both, but there was something off about the stiffness in Elijah’s body when I hugged him. I pulled away and looked at his face, searching for something, but he simply smiled. Maybe I was overreacting; surely if the treatment didn’t work he would have told me.
Dinner was delicious and I thanked Adriana. She was quick to point out that there was still dessert to come. We left the ladies in the kitchen and headed to the balcony to talk.
“So, the chemo worked? You look well.”
He paused, “All is good.”
“Did they catch it all?”
“Clean bill of health.”
Our conversation was interrupted when Adriana called us in for dessert. She gave us a farewell speech and even cried. Why? I had no idea. She was flying out next week to see us. We said our goodbyes, and finally, it was time to start a new life on the west coast.
“That better not be Eric again,” I complained as I rolled over Charlotte and purposely threw her phone to the foot of our bed.
“That might have been important!”
“Doing yoga on the beach, when really I know you two are hanging out and waiting for Matthew McConaughey to stroll on past, is not important.”
She opened her mouth but I placed my palm over it. With my free hand, I slid her nightie up and moved inside her. Her gasps were trapped as I covered her mouth; our morning ritual was coming along nicely until that familiar scream ripped through the baby monitor. One word - cockblocker.
“One more minute…please,” I begged.
Charlotte pulled out the big guns and in that minute she did that thing to my earlobe which caused me to explode in the midst of the chaos. She kissed my lips gently before pushing me off her to attend to Amelia.
“How you can come with her crying is beyond me.” Charlotte laughed out loud.
“It’s called ‘my wife is too damn hot and my dick has his own agenda’.”
She laughed again before leaving the room. I grab her cell and read the text; low and behold it was Eric. I sent him back a text.
Charlotte was doing yoga all over my cock. Sorry rain check?
I let out a laugh and hit send. It took him seconds to reply as I watched the bubble appear on the screen.