Page 90 of Into the Light
“I’m sorry, ma’am, do you have an appointment?”
“Firstly, I’m probably only a few years older than you, sweetheart, so how about we skip the ‘ma’am’ crap? And second, Lex is my husband.”
“Excuse me?”
“I think you heard me, now will you call him or…”
I heard my name being called; it was Kate. As soon as I saw her, my face lit up. he ran over and hugged me tight.
“Sod off, Christine, you’ve been warned about being rude to clients before.”
“She isn’t a client, she claims to be Mr. Edwards’s wife,” she laughed.
“You’re damn right, she is. Come with me, Charlie…stupid, stuck up little…” she muttered “I’m so happy you’re here. Eric is running around like a headless chicken without you. He texted me like five minutes ago reminding me to remind you to buy some fancy hand towel to go with his tea towel?”
“Gross. He said he wanted to have a royal hand towel by his bed in case of emergency.”
“Oh my days, so he can squirt on the queen’s face?”
We laughed together as Kate held the door open for me. Lex sat at his desk Looking up to see me he smiled; someone was on speaker phone. He motioned for me to come on in. Kate left me and I stood by his desk unsure of what to do. He pulled me into his lap and I sat there, uncomfortable, listening to some guy try to convince Lex it was a breach of contract if he was to pull out of the Preston Enterprises deal. Lex merely stated that he wasn’t pulling out but was only able to complete the work from New York. I grabbed his post it note and scribbled some legal advice and his rights. I passed it to him and he read it out loud. The jerk on the other end was pissed off. Lex, in a polite way, told him to go fuck himself before hanging up on him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to head up my legal division?”
“We’ve had this conversation, and besides, I don’t want to report to you. I don’t want to report to anyone, hence why we own the practice, but if necessary I can call you boss in the bedroom?” I batted my eyelashes.
He kissed me deeply, the few hours we were apart sucked balls big time… speaking of which, I could suck his balls right now… Charlie, you horny bitch seriously just chill.
“I can’t do lunch. If I work through I can be home around six? I need to get some tenders drawn up.”
“Fine fine but if I max out my credit card at Harrod’s it’s all your fault.”
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his wallet and handed me his AmEx. “I’ve been meaning to give you this.”
“What the hell for?”
“To use, what do you mean what for?” he asked annoyed.
“Well, for starters, I can take care of myself. I don’t need your AmEx.”
“Why do you have to be so stubborn all the time? Take the fucking card. I feel like a broken record, my money is our money now.”
“Yeah, and I sound like a CD with a scratch. I’m not ready to accept that. Give me time.”
He tried to do that intimidating glare he does, the one that makes his staff hide in their burrows, but I wasn’t having a bar of it. I was a goddamn lawyer and I knew he hated the fact that I was trained to ignore this type of shit.
After the ‘showdown’ he managed to stop being a prick and kissed me goodbye. He promised to meet me back at home after I painted the town red (with my own money) and also managed to hunt down Eric’s royal hand towel, which would now be referred to as the royal chicken rag.
I was barely able to press the button on the elevator as my hands were full of bags. Yes, I had become some sort of shopaholic, buying British baby attire that was beyond adorable. As the doors opened, I dragged my tired feet through the living room, dumping the bags on the sofa. I was exhausted, the jetlag still tiring me, as well as this shitty weather. Pulling my scarf off, I walked towards the bedroom, until the sight before me stopped me dead in my tracks. The blood drained from my face, my heart beat erratically and I dropped my scarf trying to make sense of what I was seeing.
“Sorry, sweetheart, thought you were Lex.” The woman let out a disturbing laugh, and yet I was still tongue-tied, trying to think of something to say. C’mon, Charlie, wittiness and comebacks are your specialty. Yeah, maybe not when a woman is practically naked and handcuffed to your husband’s…err…our bed!
“How did you get in here and who the hell are you?” Interrogation, okay, start with that.
“My name is Roxy and I have a key. Lex gave it to me years ago, during the time when he couldn’t keep his hands off me,” she answered calmly.
“Past tense. What makes you think you can still barge in here and expect the same?” I tried my best to control my tone; this was personal and I wasn’t in the courtroom defending a client. My feelings were hurt, Lex was a fucking jerk and any sense of rational thoughts went right out the window along with any pride I had.
“Sweetie, Lex likes his regulars. You must know that, just like the way he likes his sex. Rough and dominating, he likes his women to take him all in. He likes it when we let out a cry as he slams his cock into us, the way he takes you from behind, face down, arse up. He likes to finger our arse, not one but sometimes two…