Page 87 of Into the Light
“I saw you with the firefighters…Charlotte, it made me so fucking jealous. This, the way I am fucking you, is to show you that you belong to me. Obsessed together forever, we said the words. I am obsessed with you, every move you make, every stare at another man. I am watching.”
She didn’t say a word, only pulled me in tighter and begged for more.
“And did you see me touch the firefighter? Did you see me look at his cock?” she asked teasingly.
Oh, she fucking knew what she was doing. I grabbed her ass, gripping it so tight that I knew my nails were digging into her; I couldn’t get in deep enough. Calm the fuck down, don’t hurt the baby.
“Yes I did, and I wanted to rip you off that stage. You are my wife, my wife…” my words warned her in exactly 5 seconds I would blow. 5…4…3…2…1.
It ripped through me brutally and with so much force that I felt my legs shaking, struggling to keep my balance and gripping onto the wall for support. I could feel her clench around me, my body jerking, and my cock now sensitive to any movement. We stood there for a moment catching our breaths until Charlotte admitted she knew about the Viagra.
“Charlotte, I can guarantee even without it I would have fucked you into oblivion. Oh, and have I already told you that you look beautiful tonight?”
“Yes, but only like a hundred times. I may need to hear it again to be sure.”
“Hmmmm I married such a smart mouth… Charlotte Edwards, you look beautiful.”
“That’s better, and you, my husband, look like sex on a stick. I’m sorry, you know you look handsome but this tux is making me insanely horny. There I said it. Inappropriate for wedding speak, but hey, that’s me.”
“I think our lack of consideration for the sacred wedding celebration was displayed minutes ago and I am more than happy to remind you again, should you need.”
“Now, that’s the Viagra talking,” she giggled.
We head back and as we resume activities, Rocky is quick to pull me aside. He sniffed my collar like some fucking weirdo. “Dude, I said ten minutes. What took you so long to blow?” Rocky complained. “I had to do a rendition of Chicago and Barry Manilow.”
“And the crowds are still here?” I asked sarcastically.
“Dude, you smell like pussy.”
I was ready to smack him in the face when Charlotte dragged her mother over to meet me. She cleared her throat and Maria waited patiently for my full attention. “I know you’ve met before under different circumstances, but Mom, I want to introduce you to my husband, Lex Edwards, AND before you start sending him bad karma or shit like that, remember he is the father of our baby as well. So there,” she said matter-of-factly.
To be polite I leaned over to kiss her hello but exactly like the first time we met she placed her hand over my cheek. I stood there waiting, trying my best to be respectful, but the resentment towards her was hard to ignore for she was the one that spun her lies about Charlotte moving on. If it wasn’t for that, who knows what might have been? Maybe I wouldn’t have wasted seven years wandering the earth like a nomad. She sensed my bitterness towards her, almost pulling her hand away immediately. Her face looked disheartened and she must have known she fucked with the universe big time by the words she had said to Adriana and I.
Charlotte was called by Kate and reluctantly she left, but not without whispering “Let it go,” to me as she walked away. How could I let it go? This woman fucking angered me.
“Cometemos errores cuando estamos tratando de proteger a la persona que amamos.”
Was she trying to defend herself? She knew, this woman had some sort of gift. Shit that I normally didn’t believe in, but how on earth did she know what I was thinking at that moment?
“We do make mistakes when we are trying to protect the ones we love. I should know that since I spent seven years trying to repair mine,” I answered bitterly.
“Then you must understand how I feel,” Maria implored.
“I’m trying. That’s the best I can do.”
“I see things, Alex...”
“Lex,” I correct her.
“You are still Alex in her eyes. You may think you have this new persona but Charlotte still sees you as Alex. The one she fell in love with. This ‘Lex’ you speak of? He is only capable of hurting her. He became a man lost in a world of deceit and self-destruction. Perhaps you need to look at yourself, find who you really are,” she warned.
“You fucking think I would hurt Charlotte again?” Who the fuck did this woman think she was!
“I don’t think, I know.”
“Well you’re fucking wrong, ok?”
“This gift has been passed down from my great aunt. Its force is strong and unbeknown to me at times, the vision is there, blinding me and warning me to inform those in its path.”