Page 84 of Into the Light
“Woman, please, there can never be enough dick in here, at least for now. Here’s to the best bachelorette party ever!” she grabbed her penis straw and took a sip. “Ooh nice.” We laughed and I made my way over to the buffet table; it had been teasing me since I got here, more so than the penis shaped candy. The candy was strangely satisfying, and I couldn’t help it if I had more than one in my mouth.
“Effing hell, there’s corndogs. I tell you what, if there’s one thing you yanks do well, it’s corndogs.” Kate piled them onto her plate and started talking about some American footballer she was obsessed with when a group of men standing at the door caught my attention.
“Kate,” I whispered.
“…and like you need to Google the words ‘locker room pecker’ because I tell you what, Charlie, Eric knows where to find the…”
“Kate!” I interrupted.
“What?!” I was trying not to be conspicuous as I tilted my head to make Kate look at the men.
She burst out laughing, like a private joke played in her head. “Oh dear…Nikki went all out.”
“Why are they dressed like that?”
The three men were dressed only in black leather thongs, dog collars and leather masks. Please don’t tell me they are doms. It’s fun reading about them in erotic fiction, but standing a gnat’s cock hair away from them scared the bejesus out of me. Bulls was aware I was pregnant and obviously I couldn’t participate in their naughty games…unless… They were for her! Horny bitch, I wonder if Rocky gave her that hall pass that they always joked about.
“Nikki! Your subs are here,” Kate yelled.
Bulls abruptly turned, her game face in place as she walked over and without saying a word, she pulled the chain and the sub got down on all fours. It sooo explained why she was wearing black patent 8-inch pumps. So I was wrong, they were subs; Bulls clearly was the dom and loving every second of it. Kate didn’t hesitate either, mouthing off to one of them who just stood there copping for her abuse. I, on the other hand, was worried about the other guests. I rushed over to where the older ladies stood chatting, hoping they would understand the hilarity of the situation.
“Mom, Debbie, Emily, I am so sorry.”
“Sweetie, it’s just a bit of fun. The one on the right looks like he may need a good spanking,” Emily giggled as she drank her cocktail, her constant swaying hinting that she was just a teeny bit intoxicated. Okay, yes I was jealous; it did suck that I couldn’t drink.
I realized as I stood among the three of them that I hadn’t really introduced Debbie and my Mom. They had been chatting quite animatedly so I assumed they knew of each other. This was awkward. How do you introduce two people that shared a lover? OMG, did I just refer to my dad as a lover? Arghhh pass me the bleach, I need to scrub my brain.
“Mom, this is Debbie, have you guys met?”
“No, but I know you are Mark’s girlfriend,” my mom bragged. Was there a hint of jealousy in that remark?
“Mom, please…”
“Hi, Maria, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Debbie smiled.
“Aren’t you going to tell me Mark has said many wonderful things about me?” my mom asked sarcastically.
This was terrible. “Mom, are you jealous? Seriously, because you are banging a hot thirty year old model from Brazil. Need I say more?”
Debbie and my mom laughed; smoothing over any differences my mom held out her hand which Debbie squeezed. They began chatting about doms and subs so I decided to leave because I swear they were heading down the conversation of my dad and his bedroom skills, oh I was seriously ready to hurl.
I was having such a great time chatting with Emma and Kate until it dawned on me as I looked around the room that my sister was missing. “Hey, Adriana, how come my sister isn’t here?” I asked disappointed.
“She’s in Ghana doing a trek of some sort and was unable to get out of it. I’m sorry, Charlie.”
It was typical Melanie. She had lived such an adventurous life and to be honest I didn’t expect anything different. Maybe a phone call now and then wouldn’t hurt, though.
The night was off to a great start. We danced, sang karaoke, laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. The subs served us, and I have to admit it was kinda hot. I mean I’m not into that shit, but hell, who was I
to criticize a cut up man serving me on command? Yes, I know, maybe once or twice during the night I demanded he do things. Nothing naughty because God forbid Lex found out. I wouldn’t be surprised if he installed video surveillance in here.
Eric made his grand entrance two hours later, his presence drawing attention as he yelled “I feel right at home!” Enthusiastically, he grabbed a drink and sucked on the straw before saying something about a small dick to Kate. I rushed over to his side, wrapping my arms around him. It wasn’t a party without Eric; you didn’t need entertainment if you had him and his non-filtered mouth.
Adriana took over the microphone, slurring her words as she said something about the piñata. Jen brought out a stick in the shape of a penis and explained how we played.
“So basically we just beat the cock with a cock?” I asked.
“I am officially in party heaven! Charlie, I saw a vag… like a weird, flappy looking vag.” He cringed, explaining what went on at Lex’s bachelor party. I listened attentively until Kate wacked me in the face with the cock stick.