Page 8 of Into the Light
“I um…she is…um, not here.”
“BULLSHIT!” I yelled.
“Mr. Edwards, you were warned.”
Both security guards took my arms, pulling me out of the office. I threatened to sue the fuck out of them if they even thought they could continue to put their hands on me. The argument was broken up when Nikki walked outside demanding to know what was going on.
I begged her for information; she only had to take one look at me to see I was going crazy and she softened. The beast found her heart and asked me exactly what happened seven years ago.
I walked over to the window gazing at the city line. It was a memory that I had pushed away, made sure it was hidden in a spot that could no longer be found. The wound even seven years later was fresh and raw and I had never told this story to anyone, but if Charlotte wouldn’t listen to me then maybe her best friend would. Maybe she would understand that the night my life came crashing down was the same night it ended.
I stood there and told my story to her; it felt cathartic to finally get it off my chest. Every detail, every emotion, nothing left to spare; I was finally wrung out. She sat there watching me, watching my heart breaking. She watched as slowly I was no longer this rich thirty-year-old CEO but a vulnerable twenty-three-year-old guy who married his college girlfriend because it was easy and then fell in love with his sister’s best friend. She saw that this girl who had been in my life since I was fifteen was the only girl for me, the only one I wanted for the rest of my life.
When I left the building I wasn’t anywhere closer to where I wanted to be, in her arms holding her. I walked the streets lost, unable to gain any sort of direction with where I was going.
I had an important business meeting tomorrow night. Everything was ready to go and I was confident we could nail this. I looked over the contracts but noticed a section missing. Huh, that was odd, I was usually on top of this. I went over the paperwork again but still couldn’t locate it. Fuck! I didn’t like slipping up at work. I dialed Kate immediately even though it was after seven on a Friday night.
“Good Evening, sir.”
“Kate, where is the margin tables report for the Berkshire contracts?”
“It should be with your copy.”
“Well it isn’t, okay?”
“Then I have a copy with me. I can bring it tomorrow to the meeting.”
“No, I need it now. I’ll be at your suite in ten minutes.” I hung up my cell and grabbed my wallet, taking the next available cab.
Usually Kate and I would stay in the same hotel. However, due to my last-minute decision to fly to New York, The Waldorf had no available suites for Kate. Instead, I put her up in the Four Seasons. When I knocked on her door she opened it quickly.
“Good evening, sir,” she greeted.
“What on Earth are you wearing?” I asked.
She was dressed in what could only be described as a fluorescent pink strapless dress. It was very tight fitting, and short. Very short. I couldn’t help but notice her legs; they were long and lean and sat in a pair of strappy, silver heels. Her makeup was bright and her hair was let loose in soft curls. The oddest thing was that she was wearing a whistle around her neck.
“Oh, this?” she said while waving a hand over herself. “I’m going out with some friends tonight to some gay club in SOHO. Apparently there are certain dress codes one must wear to these clubs. I know, I know, I look daft, right?”
My attention focused on a pair of black pumps that sat by the bed. My stomach weakened slightly as they looked exactly like the ones that Charlotte wore...when I was fucking her on her desk. No, this definitely wasn’t the time to stir things up.
“Here are the papers you requested.” Her eyes moved to where mine were focused.
“Oh, sorry about the mess. I have a friend staying here for a few nights while she sorts some stuff out.”
“She’s here now?”
Kate laughed slightly. “Yeah, showering in case she meets someone to hook up with at the gay that’s even possible. She’s arse over tit in love with this jerk but apparently he’s cocked up big style. Hey, if you want to meet her I can always lure her out.”
“Nah. I better head out and call it an early night. Say hi to your friend for me.” I chuckled lightly, it’s funny because it was the first time I had laughed all week.
“Will do…and Mr. Edwards?”
“I hope it works out for you…with her, I mean. I don’t know her but I can see you love her and that’s all anyone needs.”
I paused, thinking about her words. “See you tomorrow night.” With the small amount of fight I had left in me, it