Page 72 of Into the Light
“This is my daughter, Mikayla. Mikayla, this is Charlie’s boyfriend.”
Boyfriend - the word sounded juvenile. Even more reason to announce to the whole world she was my wife..
“You’re pretty,” Mikayla said as she stood in front of me.
“Why, thank you. So are you Mikayla.”
“My daddy says that Mommy isn’t allowed to talk to pretty men because they might steal her.”
“Mikayla! Excuse her, please, it’s a ‘Mommy and Daddy’ joke. Oh and sorry about calling you her boyfriend, I’m not sure what word to use,” she laughed.
“Hopefully not for much longer,” I revealed.
“Are you serious? WOW! I spoke to Charlie a few days ago. She was so happy, Lex. I’m glad you two found your way back together again.”
“How much has she told you?”
“Just that you were living together, but tell me, Lex, do you have a death wish by wanting to speak with Logan?”
As soon as she said the words, the screen door slammed and Logan yelled out to his family. He entered the room, his eyes suddenly turning to me, the rage clearly visible. His tall stature overshadowed a short Jen, his clothing loo
ked bulky; I guessed by them that he was a firefighter. I wasn’t one to be disrespectful to those who helped our community but…
“Jen, what’s he doing here?” he asked in a bitter tone, almost spitting out his words.
She stood before him, placing her hands on his chest to calm him down. I guess now would be the best time to give him the reason. I wasn’t afraid of this jerk, never was. In fact, I despised him, for obvious reasons.
“Logan, I wanted to speak to you.”
“I got nothing to say to you, Edwards. Charlie may have forgiven you but I don’t forget so easily,” he shot back.
“I’m not here to cause trouble, especially in front of your family.”
He asked Jen to take the kids to the backyard.
“You have a nerve showing up here. You think people won’t start talking shit again?”
“Logan, I don’t care what people think. I’m here because for some reason you mean something to Charlotte…”
“Damn right, I do! She’s my fucking best friend. What are you gonna do? Buy me off?”
Why didn’t I think of that idea? Except I wasn’t that Lex, apparently I was compassionate – according to Charlotte.
“Yes, because that would make Charlotte happy.” My words were laced with sarcasm.
“Then tell me why you want to show your face in this town again?”
“I’m asking Charlotte to marry me.”
Without warning he threw a punch at me hitting me right in the jaw… FUCK! I’d been hit in the ring but I’d expected those punches. I touched my jaw, the pain spiraling throughout me. FUCKING OUCH! I lifted my hand to my chin, a slight taste of blood lingered. FUCKING MUTHA FUCKING DICK!
“LOGAN!” Jen entered the room, pushing Logan to the side, scolding him for slotting me.
“I’m sorry, Lex…let me get you an ice pack.” She returned moments later and I placed the cool pack on my face.
It helped, god I was ready to hit him back. Why did I fucking let my guard down?!
“What makes you think Charlie will say yes?” Logan’s nostrils flared, the adrenalin spiking as he tried to push Jen aside; this time I was ready.