Page 41 of Into the Light
d even I remembered how funny that was. “Well, needless to say that was followed by a long lecture on who you were and weren’t allowed to get married to.”
“Her second failed marriage was at the age of eight. We were due to move to Carmel in about a week. Adriana came rushing through the house with a basket full of items. I asked her why the rush and what she was doing. She explained that she was eloping in the backyard and that we all needed to be there because she was marrying the next door neighbors’ kid before we left. I explained to her again that marriage wasn’t something that you committed to with just anyone. I still remember her exact words to me: ‘Daddy, if I don’t lock him down now then God knows who I could end up with.’ I’m thinking little Jimmy next door must have been glad we decided to move three days early.” The crowd again let out a laugh, my mother beaming as my father continued on.
“As for her third marriage attempt, now this one will last. Elijah,” he said holding his glass towards him, “I have never seen a man so in love, so taken with a woman as much as I have seen you with my little girl. You are the light in her day, the contentment in her night. You have given her so much joy and happiness, and anyone who can make my little girl smile the way you do, well that’s the only thing a father can wish for his daughter. So, to a lifetime of happiness. Please raise a toast to the newly wedded couple.”
My mother, an absolute wreck, had probably gone through a box of tissues. I had to admit it was a pretty good speech. My father hugged my sister tight before leaning over to give Elijah a quick man-hug. It was Elijah’s turn to speak next; slightly nervous, he drank an entire glass of champagne in one gulp.
“First of all, I would like to thank you all for attending this very special day of ours. Each one of you in this room holds a special place in our hearts and it has brought us joy to be able to share this with you… I want to take a moment to thank my mother. Momma, you have sacrificed so much for me, you gave me the strength to follow my dreams. Your love and support will forever be the reason why I am the man I am today. To my poppa, I know you are looking down on us and as we take a moment to look up at you, just know that I love you and can feel your presence with us. You didn’t miss out,’re right here.” His voice slightly quivered and the majority of the bridal party and crowd were in tears. Rocky was no exception. I caught Nikki passing him a tissue which he blew his nose into.
“To Andrew and Emily, you have done nothing but welcome me into your home and your family since the first time I met you. You have been with me through my darkest moments, given me the ray of hope that I needed. And now you have given me the greatest gift, the pleasure of marrying your daughter. I promise to spend my lifetime making your daughter the happiest woman alive, but only if you promise to stop nagging about grandkids for a few years.” The crowd laughed.
“To my newly crowned brother-in-law, Lex, I just want to say that I never had any siblings growing up, but had I been given that gift, I would have wished for someone like you. You are the strongest, most determined person I know. Without knowing it you have touched so many peoples’ lives and have never let me down. In fact, the only reason why I am standing here today cancer-free is because of you.” Okay, now the sobbing became louder and of course I was touched by what he said. I didn’t cry but, damn, what a speech, and it left me feeling somewhat vulnerable.
“To my beautiful wife, Adriana, my best friend and the future mother of our children, you have shown me how to love, shown me how to better myself and most importantly you are my reason for taking each breath. I love you, Adriana. A toast to the wonderful journey we are about to embark upon.” He lowered his face to meet hers and kissed the tears that had fallen down her cheeks before kissing her on the lips. The applause in the room echoed, and there wasn’t one person that didn’t have a smile on their face.
I panicked for a moment; how the hell was I going to top that or was I not supposed to top that? I cleared my throat when my name was called, the MC handed me the microphone, fuck, my palms were sweating. Why did I feel like I was the giant elephant in the room but the only person watching was Charlotte? It’s now or never, Edwards, I told myself. I straightened my posture. It was show-time.
“They say love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don’t become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved one.”
Chapter 13
Lex stood up and was handed the microphone. He was a natural, almost like he was born to address a crowd. He was confident, his posture was comfortable and I was supposed to focus on him because everyone else was, but at least now I had an excuse to ogle him. He looked like his old self, the beard gone… Thank God. His hair was slightly shorter and for once it was styled neatly. He looked like an Adonis. I could stare at him all day, but my focus laid heavily on his words now.
“They say love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don’t become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved one. This couldn’t ring any more true, as I tell you the story of how I watched their love for one another unfold.
“The first time I met Elijah was when I came home from college, seven years ago. Adriana had this habit of waiting for me on the porch steps every time I left home, something she had done from the moment she could walk. On this particular day she hadn’t, something I thought she had outgrown, which saddened me somewhat. As I walked into the house, there was only one sound I could hear, the laughter of my sister, this unique laugh that I had never heard before, almost like there was nothing involved, just something that made her happy. I had never heard Adriana so carefree, and as I made my way to where the sounds came from I saw Adriana with this scrawny-looking blond boy who reminded me of Beetlejuice with his scruffy hair. She was sitting there intently, listening to a story that Elijah was telling her about his horses when he grew up. Now, for anyone who knows Adriana, sitting still and being quiet were skills she never displayed; in fact, it’s almost like she repelled them. However, she sat there, perfectly still, listening intently. I had never seen this side of her. After a quick cough on my end, she saw me. She wasn’t afraid, neither was Elijah. She simply introduced him as a very good friend of hers.
“From that day on, I did lose a small part of my sister. For I saw that she was finally growing into this woman, and this so-called friend Elijah, I knew he had everything to do with it. Not many people can say they held onto their first loves, not many people can say that it was only ever one person who has captured them. Elijah and Adriana, you have conquered love at first sight, remained true to one another after all these years. Your strength and unity as one never cease to amaze me. Your trust in each other, most importantly, has gotten you to this day, the day that if anyone deserved it, it’s the both of you.
“Today you both become complete with one another, and let this be a lesson to others. Place your trust in those you love, and accept their trust with the greatest of appreciation. Love like there is no tomorrow, live like today is the end. Have faith that tomorrow will come. Sometimes we are given the easy road, sometimes the most challenging. But if we can end up being as happy as the both of you today, then any road taken is well worth the journey.” He raised his glass and everyone cheered. Adriana stood up and hugged him tight. I was left sitting there, my heart beating unbelievably fast as I memorized his words. Every single thing he said.
He said it was a challenging road.
But well worth the journey.
And to love like there is no tomorrow.
Live like today is the end.
Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn’t noticed that the music filtered throughout the room as Elijah stood up and held his hand out like the true gentleman he was and asked Adriana to join him in their first dance as a wedded couple. With a smile that shone across her entire face, she stood up and followed him to the dance floor. Like two perfect souls they swayed their bodies to the soft sound as the band sung Unchained Melody. It was their song, and in their perfect moment I watched in awe as these two people had finally became one, and I was there from the beginning. Memories of them meeting for the first time at our local football game, the way that Adriana would talk endlessly about him. The way he looked at her, not like your normal high school boy. It truly was love at first sight. It was like a happy ending to a movie you spent a lifetime watching, and so I sat back and watched, willingly holding back that tear that wanted to escape.
The inevitable was near, and that feeling that buried itself in the pit of my stomach had now grown. The MC finally announced that the wedding party was to join the bride and groom. I could do this, I had to do this. He was by my side almost immediately and I did what I held back doing the moment I saw him waiting at the end of the aisle: I placed my hand into his and just like always, it shot through me, that wild jolt of electricity that reminded me why it had always been him. But this time I didn’t flinch, no, my body waited in anticipation and craved it. I craved that feeling because if he could still do this to me after seven years, then he was the one. I followed him to the dance floor, he wrapped his arms around my waist and I didn’t hold back. I placed my arms around his neck, just like at prom. Our eyes met and our gaze locked, like nothing around us existed, just him and me in this moment. His emerald eyes were sparkling as I studied his face. Should I speak first, what do I say? That I wanted him more than life itself. Should I start by saying that? His words lingered in my head. And so I danced, and placed my trust in him.
“Lex,” I murmured, his name rolling off my tongue. Oh how I’d missed the simplest thing like saying his name.
“Charlotte, please, let me say what I need to say first.”
I looked into his eyes, my movement stilled so he had my full attention.
“For the past month I have been aimlessly walking around wondering why I was being punished. Wondering exactly what I had done wrong to be dealt with so much pain. I thought I had reached low points in my life before but they were nothing in comparison to what I’ve been feeling… A few nights ago I sat alone, in a dangerous part of Brazil. I was drunk and the local folk were ready to roll me, I didn’t care that I was close to being beaten up. They watched me, tequila in hand like a time bomb waiting to go off. It
hurt so much, what you had said to me and I replayed the words over and over again in my head. Those words echoed constantly throughout my mind and I questioned what exactly made me hurt the most: the fact that it was his or the fact that I wouldn’t be in your life? I wanted to hurt him, Charlotte, more than you can ever imagine. I had things...planned that I’m ashamed to admit. I was there ready to dial my cell but then I looked up and I saw it, the light that shone so bright on the statue of Jesus Christ.”
“Just when I thought I lost hope, there was this little girl a few meters away from me, her angelic voice carried in the bustle surrounding us. She spoke in her native tongue but I understood, she asked her dad why the Jesus Christ was shining so bright, it was hurting her eyes. I rushed to her side and asked her if she could see it too, she nodded and I knew it wasn’t just me. Her name was Carla. It was a sign, a big fucking sign. It was at that moment that I knew I missed you, that my life is nothing without you. I was no longer angry at him, but angry with myself for hurting you. You are the one having to deal with this alone and I hated myself for making you think you had no other choice. I love you, Charlotte Olivia Mason. My life will only be complete with you in it.”
My heart had been tugged every which way and I had to finally say the words because I needed him just as much as he needed me. “The baby—”