Page 29 of Into the Light
nch of geeks.
Me...well I just missed her.
Nothing in this world, no other woman, could compare.
Her lips, her scent, just her. I closed my eyes knowing I couldn’t go there, so I grabbed the closest bottle to me which happened to be vodka and took a swig. Motherfucking fuck... I let out a loose cough as it made its way down. With that feeling of being watched, I scanned the room and standing by the large glass doors was my father watching me intently. He showed no sign of emotion on his face; taking a drink he looked at his phone and grinned as he typed something. I walked over with my bottle of vodka.
“What’s got you so happy?” I asked miserably. Why the fuck should anyone be happy if I’m not, I thought to myself.
“Just a text I got.”
I knew that look. It was the kind of look that I would get when Charlotte texted me. Fuck! Who the fuck! “What the fuck, Dad?”
“Relax, it’s just your mother. I can show you the text if you want.” He smirked.
“No, I’m good, thanks. Fuck, you two are a couple of freaks.”
He smiled. He was in love. After thirty fucking something years together, he was still in love.
“Anyways, I’m heading off. Got me a date with my freak.”
“Date? Mom’s in Vegas?”
“No, son. It’s called Skype. Maybe you should use it sometime.” He patted me on the back and said goodbye.
Even my dad was getting laid more than me. I needed a mental erase as quickly as possible. The vodka was nearly empty and what better opportunity to see what Madame Kiska was up to? Not surprised one bit, I walked out to the main living area to find Rocky in his boxers, hands cuffed and feet chained. She ran her whip along his torso as he mouthed off vulgar words at her.
“You keep your mouth shut, you understand? Only Madame Kiska can speak!” Her accent remained as her whip cracked along the floor.
“Hey Rocky, how about a selfie for Nikki?”
“Yeah yeah! C’mon, Rocky!” Elijah slurred his words. His Elvis suit was still on but for some reason he wore aviator shades now even though it was midnight. Fuck, Adriana was gonna kill me. He was so wasted.
“Nah, fuck, guys don’t! She’ll fucking have my balls!”
“Thought she already did.” I chuckled.
Elijah grabbed the keys that hung on the back of Madame Kiska’s belt, much to her disapproval. He dangled them in front of her, Rocky begging someone to uncuff him. I held my cell up, ready to take a pic.
“C’mon, Elijah. This pussy needs a selfie!”
“I’m serious, you guys! Don’t you fucking dare. She’ll have your balls too!”
Elijah continued to dangle the keys, but Rocky being double his size attempted to reach out for them, knocking them out of Elijah’s hands. I scrambled for it as it fell to the floor. Now this was fucking fun. I threw them to Elijah and he caught them. Rocky continued to beg, but this was way more entertaining. Elijah told me to go long and before you knew it I was standing near the doorway.
“Leexxx, this one is to win the Super Bowl!” He threw the keys with force; in my intoxicated state I pretended to leap like a football player but missed and watched as the keys fell into the pool.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Rocky screamed. Elijah and I ran over to the pool and scratched our heads in unison. “I guess they are gone.” Elijah stared blankly into the pool.
“You guess they are gone?” Rocky repeated.
“’re screwed.” I couldn’t help but break out into hysterics, Elijah following me.
“All right, keep your panties on.”
It was a warm night and without even realizing I was fully dressed, I dove into the pool. I searched the bottom as much as I could given that I was drunk as a skunk.