Page 116 of Into the Light
I reminded her again who she belonged to, and even in her pleas I felt her body sink into me. Her walls tightened, and knowing my beautiful wife would explode all over my cock within seconds was enough to slam into her one more time until my walls shattered and every single nerve was overcome by a pleasurable finish.
In the cool of the night, I gulped in the fresh air, trying to calm my racing heart. I reluctantly pulled away and then she told me she could no longer do this. With my heart broken and in despair, I begged her to stay with me.
I was a fucking idiot; I had the best thing in the world and almost lost it, caught up in my old greedy and selfish ways. She looked me in the eye, her tears streaming down, whispering that she loved me.
It was all I needed to hear...
I look back now at that night and remember how close I was to losing my family. How easy it was to make promises in front of God, your family and friends, only to forget them in desperate times. Charlotte and I made a pact that day, we would remain true and honest, in good times and bad. For the sake of our daughter, we both owed it to our family.
We also both agreed that we needed to be honest about what happened when we were apart. This, I knew, would not go down well, and there was a chance that Charlotte would not speak me ever again, but I relied heavily on our faith and trust that somehow we could push the darkness behind us.
“We said we would do this,” she reminded me.
“I know,” I responded.
I don’t know what was worse, telling her that my finger was up Montana’s pussy for a brief second, or what she was going to tell me about Julian.
“Are you ready?” she sounded nervous.
“Yes,” my voice trembled.
We sat in a hotel room, Charlotte’s idea of not tainting our house with any bad conversations or memories. We left Amelia with my mom because both of us had no idea how this was going to go down.
“You first,” she said.
“No, you,” I shot back.
“Scissors paper rock?” She held out her hand and we shook until we both got scissors; how ironic, I thought, stabbed in the heart, it was an omen. On our second attempt she beat me.
She sat there staring at me, maintaining eye contact.
“You’re doing that lawyer thing you do in court, it’s freaking me out and turning me on.”
“It’s my coping mechanism because somehow I don’t think I’m going to like what I hear, and don’t try turning on the charm.”
I took a deep breath and with my eyes never leaving hers, I told her everything that happened that night with Montana. When I finally finished, I waited in silence for her reaction. I expected her fist in my face, not for her to hurt me with words.
“I’ll tell you what happened with Julian. He reminded me of how good we were together. He asked me to leave you and I thought about it. I remembered how once a upon a time my body craved him and gave into him and there he stood, right next to me, offering to love me the way I deserved to be loved, and I thought about it, Lex. I thought about giving myself to him that night.”
The stabs were sharp, each one of them cutting through the scars that were healing and ripped them open. My body tensed, my adrenaline spiked and my throat went dry, unable to say what I needed to say.
How the fuck could she want another man?!
I didn’t know what was worse, my physical indiscretion or her emotional one. They were on par; we were both hurting because of what we did to each other. It didn’t make it better that she didn’t touch him, it fucking hurt like mutha fucking hell that she had a moment of wanting him for the rest of her life.
“It’s done, Lex. Now, tell me how strong our marriage is.” Her eyes fixated on mine, I could see that she prayed that we could get through this. Restore all faith in humanity.
“You’re a bitch for wanting him.”
“You’re a cunt for touching her.”
“I hate that word,” I gritted.
“Used sparingly, for occasions like this,” she rebutted.
Emotionally exhausted, I wanted the book closed on this. “So what happens now, Charlotte?”