Page 34 of Chasing Heartbreak (Dark Love 6)
“I have gone through heartbreak,” I remind her. “Multiple times. And I’d rather not set myself up for that again.”
“When the right guy comes along, it may be unavoidable. It’ll consume you like a spell, no matter how hard you try to escape. There’s no way out. Kismet. Soulmates.”
“You’re such a hopeless romantic.” I laugh, eyeing the outfit in her hand. “Yet at the same time, a kinky whore. Are you buying the flosser because I’m hungry and need something to eat?”
“Yeah, I’ll buy the flosser. Lex will be in for a real treat tonight.” Charlie chuckles softly then quiets down, placing her hand on my arm gently. “But seriously, Kate, I’m worried about you. You’re all alone here. Paris is beautiful but wouldn’t it be more amazing with someone who you could spend the rest of your life with?”
“Charlie, I’m happy with my life. Yeah, it’s nice to have you guys around, but I’m always busy. It’s not like I’m alone every day.”
“It’s nice to have Noah around?” She raises her brows, waiting for me to respond.
“It’s been a while. Noah has a lot on his mind.”
“So, he told you?”
“He told me everything.”
“And what?”
Charlie lets out a sigh. “What do you make of it all?”
I think long and hard about her question. While the news comes as a shock, the predicament he now finds himself in is more of a concern.
“I guess, if I’m honest, he needs to man-up and be responsible. He made a mistake, and now he needs to live with that decision.”
“But don’t you feel sorry for him? I mean, the poor guy can’t catch a break. I have my feelings about Morgan, but who am I to give my opinion on his marriage? It just had cracks well before the ‘I do.’ I always thought that he and you…” Charlie trails off.
I stop and turn her way. “Him and me what? Should’ve been together?”
Charlie simply nods.
“You know my stance on that. We may have been best friends, but we’re two completely different people. If we were meant to be, that would’ve happened four years ago. It didn’t, so there’s your answer.”
“You’re just like Lex in so many ways,” Charlie openly complains. “It’s not so black and white when it comes to relationships. I just think you and Noah have always had this special bond.”
“And I think this matter should be closed,” I tell her forcefully. “Noah has his hands full with his daughter and son. I’m sure, and much like me, he doesn’t have time for anything else. Now, let’s go to lunch because I’m starving.”
Shopping with Charlie is utterly exhausting. Her excitement stems from being child-free and not wanting to waste a single moment. After our trip to La Perla, we make our way back to the hotel and find Noah in the lobby.
“Nice dent in the credit card?”
“We’re in Paris, Noah. It’s a given,” Charlie informs him. “I’m going upstairs to change for dinner, but I’ll see you for breakfast before we fly out?”
I nod, shifting my gaze back to Noah, who’s staring at the La Perla bag.
“What’s in the bag?”
“A croissant,” I lie, jokingly.
“A croissant? I mean, look, I know you were excited to see me, but I had no clue you were dressing up.”
“You’re annoying, and I’m tired. Mind if we head to my place so I can change?”
“Into your croissant?”
“I think I remember why I stopped hanging out with you…”