Page 32 of Chasing Heartbreak (Dark Love 6)
“Her. I thought it would be good given how toxic we had become, and time apart would help us see what we want, but it has driven us further apart. The papers blindsided me on Christmas Eve, out of all nights.”
“I’m sorry,” is all I can say.
“After that night, Morgan reached out to me to try to make it work, and I wanted to try for the sake of Jessa. We were together for four months. We attended marriage counseling, then Olivia texted me. I fucked up, Kate.” Noah buries his head into his hands, trying to hide the anguish.
“Hey.” I reach my hand out and touch his arm. “You didn’t fuck up. This is life. We make good decisions, and we make bad ones.”
He raises his head with bloodshot eyes, the vacant stare behind the normally bright hazel orbs worries me to no avail.
“I’m too old to be making bad decisions. I have two kids.”
“You’re never too old to make bad decisions,” I tell him. “But sometimes those bad decisions end up being the path to something right. I’m not going to pretend to understand, but you’ll get through this. You’re strong, Noah.”
“I hope you’re right.”
I lay back down on the chair. “I’m always right.”
Noah shakes his head, a smile finally escaping his lips. “Typical French, so arrogant.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Letting out a yawn, I decide to call it a night, noting it’s late. “I need to sleep. Will you be okay out here?”
“Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné,” he says with a smile.
“Better to be alone than in bad company?” I translate with a playful grin. “Since when do you speak French? Plus, I resent that. I’m only bad in the States, specifically Malibu, on the beach. In France, I’m an angel.”
Noah’s eyes dance with delight, the familiar flicker returning as his lips simper. “Sure. Good night, Kate.”
I stand—slightly dizzy from the champagne—to head back to my room but stop in my tracks. “Noah, you were right. About the whole Dominic thing. I’m not perfect, just like you. We all make mistakes, no matter how adult we think we are at times.”
I expect Noah to give me a lecture on self-worth, or better yet, a list of reasons why I shouldn’t be fucking a married guy who owns a sex club, but it never comes. Instead, he continues to lay, staring at the stars.
“Of course, I’m right. I still know you better than anyone else.”
His words resonate and hold so much truth. I never realized how much I miss conversing with an adult, and especially how much I miss Noah. And before heading to bed, I raise my eyes to meet with the stars.
Somewhere in this crazy universe of ours, someone is playing a game. The dice have been rolled, and the next move could determine everything or maybe nothing at all.
Dominic wants more, and Noah needs—I’m not sure. The uncertainty of him walking back into my life complicates everything. This time though, I vow not to let my emotions think we’re anything but long-lost friends.
Strictly platonic—the way it was always meant to be with Noah and me.
As for Dominic, I’ll soon have to face the music of exactly where that will head.
Sleep can do wondrous things when you manage to get some.
All four of us are in much better spirits the next morning, enjoying our breakfast before our trip back to Paris. The Auvray’s head chef, Archille, spoiled us with homemade pastries and a spread of delicious breakfast foods, all of which tasted amazing. Even Lex is impressed, questioning Archille on where he saw himself in the future. I can almost see the wheels turning in Lex’s head. He has an eye for talent and knows exactly when to strike.
The plan is to take Monday off to spend time with Charlie while Lex attends some meetings. I should’ve known better. No matter how hard I try to prepare to take some time off, work always finds me. My phone pings like crazy, email after email, and calls from people who panicked while I was absent.
My assistant, Emile, reassures me everything is being handled. She reminds me of my young self, which is why I hired her when I moved to Paris. Upon offering her the position, a generous salary came with it in hopes of keeping her for the long haul. Even Lex is impressed by how efficient she is. When Lex offers such a compliment, you take it with pride.
I’ve rather been enjoying the company, but with my eyes glued to the screen, the urgent emails need attention. My thumbs type quickly to answer what I can until a text pops up on the top of my screen.
Dominic: Tonight, please. Our usual. We need to talk.
My eyes read over his words as if they will change by the sheer power of my thoughts. I opt not to respond, lifting my head with a forced smile and ignoring the pressure from his request. Noah is watching me with a curious gaze behind his coffee cup, his beard somewhat of a novelty to me. With the rest we all deserved, he appears more like the man I remember him to be—handsome and sexy with an arrogance only he can get away with. And behind all that is the best friend who would make me laugh, stroke my hair, and tell me everything would be just fine. He argued with me over the most trivial things, but that’s what bonded us in the end.