Page 3 of Chasing Fate (Dark Love 5)
Although I haven’t met him, it’s as if I know Noah inside and out. Ever since Eric caught wind of him moving to LA, he has been relentless in his pursuit to hook us up. Eric stalks his social media accounts, sending me picture after p
icture and disturbingly, found some website which morphed two faces to show you what your child would look like. Granted, the fake kid was cute, but Jesus Christ, Eric needs to get laid.
“He’s not here yet. And don’t worry about me. I’m worried about you.”
“I know you are,” I say quietly. “I’ll speak to Lex and see if I can swing a week in LA. I’m not making promises, though.”
“I think you’re safe. He hasn’t gotten laid in a week since he’s been in Houston, so I’m sure I can convince him.”
“Thanks for the update on your sex life.” I laugh, followed by a long-winded sigh. “God, Charlie, when did I become so…”
“Fucked up?”
“I was going to say a dog’s dinner.”
“You know, I’ve known you four years, and your British slang still stumps me.” Charlie laughs. “Meaning?”
“A mess.”
“Ah,” she says, catching on. “It happens to the best of us.”
“I just…” I search for the words to relay the feelings I’ve buried deep inside. “I don’t know who I am anymore. I miss the old me. So carefree, happy to date or not date. I enjoyed life and everything it had to offer, never afraid to take a risk on something amazing. And would it hurt to find a man who just wants to have fun without the melodramatic strings attached?”
“Are you saying Eric is not that?” Charlie asks in a sarcastic tone.
We both laugh, a simple sound which has been missing in my life of late. Eric is many things, call him high maintenance, and he will argue he isn’t, only to storm out of the room cursing and making a scene.
“I just want to be me,” I finally admit. “And be around someone who appreciates the real me. I’m not looking for a husband, just someone I can have fun with and enjoy life.”
“It’ll come, Kate,” Charlie says encouragingly. “When you least expect it with the person you least expect it with.”
Maybe she’s right. When it came to relationships, Charlie was always spot-on with her advice.
The old Kate is still there, somewhere, and boy do I fucking miss her.
Three Months Ago
“I’ll make you a deal,” Tom, one of my best friends, says while bouncing the ball and then shooting it in the hoop. “Stay for cake and the speeches. Then you can go.”
“I’ve got plans that night,” Benny, another friend, complains as he fights Tom for the ball. He narrowly misses as Tom, once again, scores.
“Since when do you have plans?” I ask Benny, blocking Tom and pulling down a rebound.
The two of them hopelessly try to catch me to no avail.
Benny stops, leaning over with his hands resting on his knees to catch his breath. “Just something on.”
“Is it that chick? What’s her name…” I pause while thinking, “… Tina? The one with those big tits that bounce every time she laughs at your lame joke about the nun and the priest?”
Tom stops mid-step, laughing very loudly until he breaks out in a nasty cough.
“That joke has gotten me laid more times than your mom has gone to church. And she goes every Sunday.” Benny foolishly laughs at his own joke.
“Hey, hey.” Tom walks over, raising his hands, then comfortably rests his elbow on my shoulder. “Cue the mom jokes, Benny.”
“Speaking of which…” I add purposely, just to annoy Tom, “… this party you’re dragging us to is for your mom’s sixtieth. I’m all for a good time, Tommy, but cougars ain’t my style.”