Page 122 of Chasing Fate (Dark Love 5)
The decision to visit LA was an impromptu one yet with reason. Charlie officially went into labor this morning. Lex called me with a slight panic in his voice. Although he’s done this twice already, when it comes to Charlie’s well-being, his worry stems from a loving place.
According to Charlie, the baby is still breeched, and her C-section is scheduled for next week. However, it seems baby Edwards is incredibly impatient, wanting to make a grand entrance as soon as possible much to Charlie’s dismay.
All of this means a last-minute change to my itinerary, not bothering me at all because Charlie is my family. I want to say goodbye one more time because life has a funny way of passing and before you know it, years have gone by.
What does bother me is sitting next to a passenger in business class who has repeatedly tried to pick me up by bringing up his so-called wealthy lifestyle back in Texas. He owns a few cattle ranches and something about chickens. The man is a lot older with a slick ponytail holding his gray hair back. Okay, so when I said a lot older, I mean he could pass for my grandfather.
Why can’t I attract the younger men? For fuck’s sake.
Somewhere during the talk of a rooster mating with a hen, I excuse myself to finish some work on my laptop. That has been my plan for this entire plane ride if Mr. Chatty didn’t corner me from the second the seat belt sign went on.
When we land in LAX, I couldn’t have exited the plane faster, weaving in and out of the crowd toward the driver holding up the sign Kate Hamilton. Relieved to get out of here, I follow him to the black SUV and request he head to the hospital.
On the drive over, I check my cell, which is flooded with texts, missed calls, and several other notifications. My eyes gravitate towards Lex’s text.
Lex: The baby is here. See you soon.
I smile, though annoyed he didn’t mention the sex of the baby given that they chose not to find out, and everyone has been waiting. Eric started what he called a ‘baby pool,’ and bets were on as to what sex the baby would be and when it would arrive. The C-section was a game-changer, but both Adriana and Rocky were adamant the baby would come earlier.
The driver pulls into the curved entrance, just shy of the main doors. We agree on a time for him to return, and with a quick exit, he drives off down the driveway and back onto oncoming traffic.
I reach the gray double-doors, and detecting my presence, they automatically open into the foyer. My eyes dart around the open space until I see the information board. With a polite smile to a group of young doctors walking past me, I step toward the maternity ward, pulling my eyes from the polished linoleum floor and catching a glimpse of the hallway that stretches beyond.
Taking a quick elevator ride up to level three, I check my cell one more time and notice the poor coverage. There’s another set of double doors marked ‘Maternity Ward.’ I push them with ease as they swing open so effortlessly.
A draft of air hits my face, warm with the familiar disinfectant smell hospitals are known for. As I stroll down the hallway, I pass a different set of doors with a hand-sanitizer dispenser, stopping momentarily to sanitize my hands, then continue to the main desk to ask for directions to Charlie’s room.
A few rooms away, toward the end of the hallway, I knock on the door gently, not to startle anyone, especially the baby. The door is wide open, and I see Lex first. Still dressed in his suit, unshaven, he appears tired though coupled with an elated expression.
“Come in.” He grins, motioning me with his hands.
With small steps, almost tiptoeing, I move past the entrance and see Charlie in bed—the baby resting against her bare skin. Her tired eyes still radiate joy, her skin color slightly pale, no doubt from the sheer exhaustion of the last twenty-four hours.
“You came.”
“I wouldn’t have missed meeting…” I trail off, noting the blanket is white and not forthcoming with any hints as to the sex of the baby.
“Her,” Lex announces, pushing Charlie’s hair away from her face with admiration. “It’s another girl.”
“She’s beautiful,” I gush, unable to hide my elation. “Do we have a name yet?”
“Addison Elisabeth Edwards.”
“Perfect.” Smiling at both of them, I remember the gift I brought from the city. “Oh, I have something for little Addison.”
I reach into my large purse and pull out the gift bag, handing it to Lex. He pulls the contents out— tiny onesies with ‘I Heart NY’ printed on the front, and the other is Yankee’s themed as it’s both their favorite baseball team.
“They’re so cute,” Charlie simpers, gazing at Lex as he holds up the tiny apparel. “Where Mommy and Daddy chased fate.”
Lex removes baby Addison from Charlie, holding her to his shoulder. He’s in his element, a doting father and loving husband. It’s strange to think only four years ago, Lex was not the man he is today.
As I bring myself closer, I open my arms as Lex carefully places her in them. From the second she lays in my arms, a feeling of loving warmth washes over me as I stare into her little face. Bringing my lips to her forehead, I place a gentle kiss and inhale the familiar baby scent. Tiny toes peek from her blanket, dangling so I can admire just how cute they are, like little buttons. Her head, covered in brown hair just like her older sister’s, is so fragile, terrifying me that I may break her.
“Are you ready for Paris?” Charlie asks while trying to sit up. Lex gently scolds her as she winces in pain.
I nod quietly. “Yes, all packed and ready to take Paris by storm.”
“Meet a Frenchman and have beautiful French babies.” Charlie smiles, wistfully.