Page 10 of Chasing Fate (Dark Love 5)
It would be so damn hot if she left that uniform on while I fuck her from behind.
She pours the scotch into the glass, trying to disguise her smile. I know she’s feeling it. Through her white blouse, her nipples are practically teasing me. Noticing my tray table isn’t down, she leans forward, her tits so close to my face, and opens the table while accidentally brushing my cock in the process.
“Here you go, sir.”
“Thank you, Ivana,” I say, eyeing her nametag.
Only lingering for a moment, she turns her body in the opposite direction, purposely bending over to serve the gentleman across the aisle from me.
Fuck! What I would give to stick my fingers in her sweet pussy right now. I bet it’s tight too. Barely touched from all the traveling she does.
Control yourself. Miss Goody-Two-Shoes next to you would have a heart attack if she knew what your dirty mind wants to do to Ivana right now.
What was that about controlling my dick?
Who fucking cares anymore?
New place, a new set of women.
The remainder of the flight is uneventful, and Ivana, much to my disappointment, hasn’t come back for round two. With only an hour left until we descend, Miss Goody-Two-Shoes decides to strike up a conversation. Another reason I despise flying—small talk with random strangers beside you.
“Sorry about the blubbering mess,” she apologizes while placing the book in the pocket behind the seat in front of her.
“Must be a good book,” I respond politely, not interested in the slightest about making conversation.
“Good as in eye-opening. I feel much better now. I’m Amber, by the way.”
I smile back. “Noah.”
“Noah,” she repeats. “Cute. Are you from LA?”
Cute? For fuck’s sake, this is not going anywhere. Time to terminate the conversation. I’m not moving to LA to meet friends, especially ones who think my name is ‘cute.’
“No, just moving there.”
“I live not far from Santa Monica Beach with my two roomies,” Amber informs me. “LA is a nice change if you’re from the East.”
“I like warmer.”
“I miss the cold winters. When I stayed in Jersey with my girlfriend… I mean, my ex…” And there it is, the reason why she’s been a train wreck this entire flight. I just never took her for a lesbian. It’s kind of hot. Damn, she eats pussy. We have something in common.
“I loved being inside and watching the snow fall. Helps if you’ve got hot chocolate and are having wild sex in front of a fireplace,” she reminisces.
The scotch swirling around in my mouth almost splatters onto the chair in front of me. She said what?
“Uh, yeah.” I laugh nervously, unsure of where to go from here. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a wild-sex-in-front-of-a-fireplace type of girl.”
“Well, then, Noah, it’s amazing how looks can be deceiving.”
Her eyes dart back and forth, scanning the passengers around us. With most people asleep, she slides a little closer and rests her hand on my thigh, inching it closer until it’s sitting on my cock. Stroking it softly above the material of my pants, I allow her to continue until she suggests we should take this out back.
“Back where?” I ask, wondering what she has in mind.
I turn my head, and I notice the back of the plane isn’t full. I enjoy fucking in public, but this, this seems risky. Don’t be a pussy, Noah. You’ve jerked off watching several pornos with girls getting off on airplanes.
I unclick my seat belt and stand, walking toward the back where the larger restroom is located, assuming that this is where Amber wants to fuck. Ivana is standing against the wall eyeing me as I walk down.