Page 9 of Chasing Him (Dark Love 4)
“Holy jizzballs,” he gasps. “For how long?”
“I’m thinking maybe a week. Just for his book launch.”
“You realize it’s not a hop in the car, and I’m there in an hour?”
“No shit, Sherlock! It’s always been my dream to open a boutique in Sydney, and I’ve been researching commercial real estate, so why don’t I kill two birds with one stone?”
“Is that the official story you’re telling Lex and Charlie?”
“Eric, don’t start.” My smile wavers while I bow my head, bouncing back and forth between happiness and guilt. “This is hard enough.”
“I know that, Adriana, but, girl, you can’t hide this forever.” He pauses, then places his hand on mine. “Whether you let the cat out of the bag now or in a few months, prepare yourself for the biggest ever shit-storm of holy shit-storms to ever grace this earth. We’re talking, build your ark now because even Noah is looking down saying ‘holy shit, you’re screwed.’”
My blood starts to boil in anger yet I try to calm myself. This isn’t Eric’s fault. I’m a big girl, and I know what will happen when this gets out. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s me.
“Well, right now, I don’t know what’s happening. I just want to support him.” I take a big gulp of water to calm myself a little, the room becoming hotter than usual. “Eric, this might not go anywhere, so why rock the boat?”
My shoulders droop almost instantly, my stare distant as reality knocks me cold. The thought of it not going anywhere saddens me more than I expected. Stop over-thinking things.
“Will you leave Andy?”
“I’ve spoken to my mom, and she is happy to have him for five days.”
“So, it sounds like you’ve got it all planned out. Just be careful,” he warns.
“Of what?”
“I don’t know, getting hurt. You know how much I like Julian since I’ve gotten to know him. He is practically like family to me since Tristan and I moved in together. But Adriana, he’s recovering, too.”
We see Charlie walking back with a settled Ava. “What did I miss?”
Eric blurts it out. “Adriana’s going to Australia!”
I shoot him an annoyed look for putting me on the spot. Honestly, his behavior is so elementary school.
“Wow! That’s far… why?” she quizzes.
“Uh… you know how I’ve talked about expanding my boutique? Well, there’s a space I want to look at. There’s a lot of demand within the Australian market, and I’ve got many clients who order from the States willing to pay the ridiculous shipping charges.”
I hate lying to my best friend.
“Sounds like a great reason to go.” She smiles, unaware of my extended lie. “When are you going and are you taking Andy?”
“This Friday. And no, Mom offered to take care of him. It’s only for five days.”
“Wait, this Friday? That’s quick. Why didn’t you say something earlier? Or is this one of those things that Lex has known about for ages but forgot to tell me, again?”
And the web of lies spins deepen.
“No, he doesn’t know.” Because if he did, he’d be on the first plane to Australia to murder Julian with his bare hands.
I quickly think of a reason why. “I’m scared of failure, Charlie. Opening the boutique is a massive dream. The other night I was thinking just take the leap, and whatever happens, happens.”
“Adriana, it’ll be fine. You’re so talented, and there’s a huge demand for funky boutiques just like yours,” she says, resting her hand on mine to reassure me. “Just the other day I was reading an article about small boutiques pocketing nice profit from the upturn in the stock market.”
“Nice story, Charlie,” Eric drags. “Can you tell that to me with a menu in your hand? I’m starving.”
Charlie lets out an annoyed huff.