Page 56 of Chasing Him (Dark Love 4)
“I need you tonight.”
“I can’t. I have that event I need to go to,” I apologize.
He battles with my answer, his glance fierce and dominating. Julian is patient, yet at times he demands so much of me, and that patient side of him is overcome by jealousy and greed.
“I’m trying to be patient here. I need to be inside you every day, you understand. This has gone on long enough.” The darkness in his eyes and tone of his voice alert me of his intentions. Holy fuck, every day, though? The reality of our life comes to a crashing realization when Andy’s voice is on the verandah.
“Mama! Hazel is making popcorn and we gonna watch wah… wah hun… something bout spotty dogs, and there’s lots of them and an evil lady who tries to steal them. Can I stay here tonight, Mama? Penny is staying, too!”
I walk into the kitchen where I hear Hazel humming along. “Are you sure he can stay? I mean, I know you said yes, but I feel guilty for burdening you. My mom is happy to take him.”
“Sweetie, I’ve got his jammies in his drawer.”
Andy has stayed over a few times already. He claimed the room that he said was his and now he has a drawer too. “I wouldn’t normally go, but this event is a big deal.”
“Now, you listen to me. You’re a great mother. You’ve got family and friends who all adore Andy and just want to keep him forever much like myself.” She winks. “I was thinking about taking him to the zoo tomorrow plus Miles’ grandson wants to come.”
“Henry will be here? Well, no twisting my arm.”
I go back into the living room and sit down beside Andy. He’s making Julian show him on his phone what a Dalmatian is, and just like his mama raised him, along comes a thousand que
stions that follow.
I ask Andy again if he is sure he wants to sleep over, but he is distracted when Henry comes barreling through the door, and I become insignificant. I kiss him goodbye and am met with my face being pushed aside as he tells me he is busy and has to show Henry something. Hazel reassures me it will be fine, and Andy hasn’t even noticed I’m still there, completely taken by a new set of toy cars Henry has brought over. I wave goodbye to Miles and Hazel, but not before I’m stopped by Penny.
“You go enjoy yourself with your man. Get that groove on, Stella!”
I laugh, giving her a tight hug.
The second we’re out the door, Julian pulls me into his arms again, this time making me squeal.
“Hotel. Now,” he demands.
“I can’t. I’ve got to be at Charlie’s in two hours to get ready.”
“No isn’t in my vocabulary when it comes to you spread out naked in front of me.”
I wrap my arms around his neck. “Can I ask a question?”
“Is it about how many times I’m going to fuck you tonight?” He is deadly serious.
“Uh, no… but how many?”
“Get your ass in the car now. It’s gonna get a hell of a workout tonight, lady.”
I laugh then pause. Wait, my ass will get a workout as in anal? Oh, fuck! I fall into a panic at the thought. It’s one thing to have a finger in there but a whole penis? Okay, seriously, I can handle this, it can’t be that bad. Maybe even enjoyable. Oh, who am I kidding, I need major advice, and my bestie is totally off-limits. I can call Eric, but knowing him, he will get way too excited about it all.
Julian senses my trepidation as I squirm uncomfortably in the front seat. Quick to distract me, he places my hand firmly on his bulge. It is rock hard.
“Breathe, Adriana. You’ll enjoy it.”
The balcony door is wide open—a view of the ocean lies before me. The water looks crisp as the waves crash hard into the shore. The room is located on the tenth floor, well above the street noise and chaos beneath us on the boardwalk. It is your typical executive suite, modern and functional, not a single thing out of place.
The warm breeze engulfs me as I stand in front of the door, hands resting on the armchair facing outside. Julian’s presence lingers behind me, grazing my backside at a slow pace. I wait for him to close the drapes, and when it doesn’t happen, I suggest he do so.
“No,” he responds firmly.
“No, you won’t close the drapes?” I ask.