Page 49 of Chasing Him (Dark Love 4)
“C’mon, how many were there?” I pry, placing him under pressure.
“This conversation is past its expiration date,” he says flatly, making a sharp turn as we drive onto my parents’ street. “And Rocky is dead fucking meat.”
“See, I knew it,” Charlie brags. “Adriana, you may want to leave before I have a word with manwhore over here.”
I say my goodbyes and quickly exit the car.
Lex is toast.
Lex’s car skids away fast, leaving me alone in front of my parents’ house.
I honestly don’t know why he got so riled up about Charlie and her past. He’s the manwhore. A manwhore who participated in gangbangs. I’m not entirely sure what a gangbang entails, not being a huge fan of porn, but Eric is your walking encyclopedia for all things sex-related should I require more information. Gross but hilarious at the same time.
My mom is sitting on the couch with a cup of tea when I walk in. My parents’ living room is cozy and warm. It isn’t the house we grew up in, but they make it feel like home. The tones are all neutral with a splash of color on the cushions. The mantel holds all the frames from our childhood and newer additions of the grandkids. My mom is obsessed with lamps—there’s one in almost every room in this house including one made of seashells my dad absolutely despises.
She pats the couch, and I take a seat beside her, resting my head on her shoulder. I feel lost and unsure of myself. Tonight’s events are plaguing me, the thought of him watching me. That he is talking to Andy and most importantly, that he’s trying to talk to me. I don’t understand what she means about me not listening. I’m not hearing any voices, and I don’t see any unusual signs.
“Mom, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course, honey.” She places her tea carefully on the coffee table.
“When is too soon to start seeing someone else?”
She looks at me and smiles. “Are you seeing someone?”
“It’s just a question,” I mumble quietly.
“Baby girl, I know you better than anyone else. I can see you’re happy, Adriana. Someone is making you smile, and as much as you’ll hate me for saying this, you’ve also put on some weight. You look healthy and have a beautiful glow.”
“On my boobs?” I ask in hope.
“Yes, they do look fuller.” She laughs.
I laugh along with her, then let out a sigh, snuggling into her side.
“Honey, please don’t be afraid to talk to me.”
“I’m not, Mom, it’s just complicated.”
“It always is. Whoever is making you smile like this, please say thank you from me.”
“I will do that.” I smile. “Mom, can you promise me something?”
“What, honey?”
“Just promise me if you hear anything about this from anyone else, you hear me out first?”
She pulls me in closer and embraces me tightly. “I’m assuming your brother is the problem here.”
“Adriana, Lex will always be protective over you. He and Elijah had a special bond. Just don’t forget to give him a break, too.”
“Mom, Lex won’t understand.”
“What makes you so sure of that?”
“One day we’ll revisit this conversation, and you’ll know why. It’s late now.” I stand and stretch my arms, ready to carry Andy into the car.