Page 4 of Chasing Him (Dark Love 4)
Charlie ignores her daughter’s inappropriate speech, busily snapping away picture after picture.
Amelia poses perfectly, hand on hip, hair positioned behind her shoulder exactly like Eric taught her to pose.
“I’m gonna wring Eric’s neck,” Charlie mumbles under her breath.
“Oh, he tried to teach Andy the same pose, but it lasted two seconds. Attention spans of a toddler, you gotta love it.”
Lex proudly shows off Amelia’s artwork before moving to the side. We wait patiently until Andy’s name is called, and thankfully, he has a wonderful teacher who’s compassionate to his circumstances.
“Andy Evans,” he calls gently.
I watch Andy as he stares at the crowd, his eyes wide with fear. Amelia makes her way back through the crowd to stand by Andy’s side and hold his hand. Despite her overdramatic personality, she and Andy have a close bond. Amelia always has his back, and although they are cousins, their bond is tight like siblings.
I see Lex make his way through the crowd as well and watch as Amelia whispers something into Andy’s ear. His eyes beam as Lex kneels and says something to Andy.
Proudly, he hands Lex his artwork and hugs him tight.
Andy doesn’t say anything. His smile is worth a thousand words.
Charlie is trying her best not to cry, but her mascara is a hot mess.
Mary Jean’s blue mascara looks like the artwork Andy brings home—a colorful display giving her terrible panda eyes.
Me, well, I’m all cried out.
Barely any fight left in me.
This is my life.
As the festivities wind down, Amelia and Andy busy themselves with some building blocks.
“Thank you, big brother.” I bump his shoulder with mine.
He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in, kissing the top of my hair. “Any time, short stuff.”
I narrow my eyes at him. Sure, I’m short, but he is a man-giant.
“What are you up to today?” he asks.
“I have a meeting this afternoon with a buyer. Aside from that, not much.”
It’s a lie. I have plenty of things on my plate. Things Lex doesn’t need to know.
“So, who’s babysitting, Mama Evans?” Lex chuckles.
The three of us turn to look at Mary Jean. She’s forgotten all about Mr. Lugo and is standing alongside another man much younger than her. He appears to enjoy the attention, her flirtatious smile and flicker of the hair more than a little cringe-worthy. It’s like a car crash—you should turn away, but you want to see how it pans out.
“Definitely not you. I don’t want a repeat of the ass-grabbing that went on at Andy’s second birthday.” Charlie is quick to remind Lex. “You free for lunch, Adriana?”
Charlie is distracted by Lex wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Get a room, you guys. Dry-humping in public isn’t acceptable,” I groan.
Honestly, they are such a pain to be around sometimes. You would think my brother is a teenage boy.
“I’ve been getting a room, by myself, since I have two of the biggest cockblockers to walk this earth,” Lex complains.
“True story.” Charlie laughs. “So, lunch?”