Page 27 of Chasing Him (Dark Love 4)
“What about Charlie?”
“I’ll always love Charlie, just not in that way. She is a good, kindhearted person. You know just as much as I do that it’s impossible to hate her.”
“She is too darn likable,” I agree with a smile. “But my brother is my blood, Julian. I can’t be asked to cut him out of my life.”
“I’m not asking you to, Adriana. I’m telling you that you can’t expect us to be best friends. If he knows we’re together, there’s a high chance he may disown you or kill me. I’m not sure which will come first.”
“Look, he doesn’t need to know right now. When you come back to LA, let’s just figure this out then. So, when is that?”
He laughs. “Smooth topic changer. I’m about halfway through completing the editing on my second book. My publisher wants me back in the States in about eight weeks.”
“Eight weeks?”
“Yes, eight weeks. Why? You gonna miss me or something?” He smirks, prodding me with his finger as he tickles my rib cage.
“Smartass. Yes, I will, but right now, I also miss my son so much.”
I play with a lock of his hair as he watches me intently. “Julian, what about Andy?”
“What about Andy?”
“I have a son. Does that bother you?”
“It doesn’t bother me that you have a son. He’s a great kid. I’m just not used to dating someone who has a kid. I mean, I’ve never had to factor children in, ever.”
“Do you want kids?”
“Wow, heavy question when you’re lying in bed naked with me.”
“I’m no skanky floozy. I swear I’m on the pill, not because I’m sexually active but because I have woman issues. Which, by the way, is an FYI, even though you’ve come inside me like five times now. Yeah, thanks for asking.” I punch his arm in jest.
“I did want kids.”
“When you were with Charlie…” I trail off.
“Yes. I just haven’t thought about it since then. I haven’t been in a relationship, and it’s not really something which bugs me.”
“What if I told you I couldn’t have kids?”
“Well, first of all, you have a son. And second, this is a lot to talk about, Adriana.” I see
him withdrawing.
“I’m scaring you, aren’t I?”
“I’m not ready for marriage,” he admits.
I’m slightly hurt, but what did I expect?
“God, I sound like one of those clingy, whiney women. Okay, let’s rewind. What my big fat mouth wants to say is that if our relationship got to that point, and I couldn’t have kids because Andy was a miracle, could you still see yourself settling down with me?”
“Still a big question.”
I pull the sheets up, suddenly aware that I’m exposing too much, and I don’t just mean bare flesh.
“Hey.” He pulls me closer. “I don’t mean to be a jerk. Look, Adriana, I wasn’t in the best place when we met. In fact, I was in the worst place I’ve ever been in. I’ve always thought with my heart rather than my head. You bring up a side of me that… completes me. Yet it frightens me.”