Page 19 of Chasing Him (Dark Love 4)
As my hand slides down his torso, ready to embrace his manhood, the ring of my cell startles me. Reluctantly, I pull away, unwillingly biting my lip as I watch him watch me.
Worst timing ever.
Short of breath, I lean over and see my home number appear on the screen. “Sorry, it’s my son. Do you mind if I place him on speaker?”
“Adriana, it’s fine, just answer it.” Julian stands and moves toward the balcony. Opening the door, he sits outside leaving me alone. I’m guessing the fresh air is beneficial for him.
“Mama!” I hear Andy’s voice. God, how much I miss him.
“Pooh-bear!” I want to hold him, smell his hair, and smother my face into his neck.
“Mama, Amelia got an ouchie today. She jumped off da swings, Mama.”
“You mean she fell, Andy,” I gently correct him.
“No, Mama, she wanted to be Batman and fly. She was wearing her cape.”
p; Good Lord, Charlie must have had a heart attack. Andy continues to talk about his friends, what he ate for dinner, how Ash dug up the backyard. I could’ve talked for hours forgetting Julian was just outside.
“Andy, can Mama talk to Grammy now?”
“Grammy went to the shops. Uncle Lex is here.”
“Hey, sis, how is it Down Under?”
I see Julian shift uncomfortably outside, and I know that I can’t take Lex off speaker as he’ll ask why I did that. My brother is like an annoying detective, always thinking the worst. I have to make the call short. “All good. I miss Andy. Hope he is behaving. I’ll be back on Friday.”
“He misses you, too. So, he told you about Amelia? I swear, she doesn’t have an ounce of fear.”
I laugh. “I’m sorry, Lex. Is Charlie okay?”
“Apart from having a stroke, she’s okay. I was all the way across town when it happened, and you know LA traffic. Nothing was broken.”
“Give her a big hug and kiss for me.” I pause, trying to think of a way to quickly end the call.
“Is everything okay? You sound a bit off.”
“Just tired. You know, the time zones.”
“How was the shop front you looked at? I’ve got a contact in Sydney if you need more assistance.”
“Actually, I’m heading there tomorrow, but thanks anyway. Listen, I’ve gotta go. Gonna try to fit in as much as I can while I’m here.”
“Oh, hang on, Adriana… Charlotte wants to say hello.”
This is awkward, but Julian doesn’t seem bothered as he continues to sit outside, now watching me. It bothers me that he isn’t bothered.
“Hey, Thunder from Down Under! How is it?”
“Hey, Char, yeah, all good. Such a beautiful country.”
“And the men?” I hear Lex mumble in the background. “Ignore him. So, is the country swarming with Hugh Jackmans?”
“Uh yeah… some very good-looking men around.”
“Oh… oh! Are you with one right now, and that’s why you have your awkward tone on?” she squeals.