Page 74 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
> I continue to gaze at him, trying to figure out what he wants, what exactly is bothering him. “What’s wrong?”
“I need to know this is real, that this isn’t a dream. I want to hear our baby’s heartbeat. I need to confirm with my own ears that it’s beating strong.”
Bowing his head, it takes a moment to click. He’s scared that first of all, this is the only reason we are together, and second, if anything happens to this baby, that I wouldn’t want him.
“Lex… look at me.”
He lifts his head, looking like a little lost boy, afraid and unsure. “I love you, Alexander Matthew Edwards. Whether it’s with or without this baby, we still would have found a way to be together. No matter what happens, I’m here. Remember, obsessed together forever? I want to hear the baby’s heartbeat, too. I will book it. Now promise me you’ll try to be productive today.”
“How can your simple words calm me?”
“Because that’s what we do, calm each other during a storm or mini-meltdown.”
“I love you, Charlotte.”
“I love you, Lex. Now, please get to work because I need that coffee. It’s been torturing me all morning.”
With a smile, I hop off his lap as he places his laptop in his bag. He kisses me goodbye, promising to call me throughout the day. I pour myself a coffee, and with much delight, take a sip. In an instant reaction, I spit it back out.
“Oh, by the way, it’s decaf,” he yells before closing the door. “Sorry, no regular for you.”
“That witch! She got to you, didn’t she?”
“She got to everyone.” He laughs as he walks out and leaves the apartment.
There’s something comforting yet odd about sitting at my desk. This has been my home away from home, but today it feels slightly off. It’s because I miss him, and it is only eight forty-five. Ten hours is a long time.
I make my way to the boardroom for our weekly Monday meeting. I’m not surprised when Eric drags me into the most random conversation with Emma, but I have to admit it makes me laugh and takes my mind off this separation anxiety consuming me.
After the meeting finishes, I look up the number and book in the ultrasound. Sitting back at my desk, I open my text messages, not surprised one bit there’s already one sitting in there from Lex.
Lex: So, I’m sitting here listening to why we need to sell our shares in another division, but all I can think about is your morning breakfast feast this morning. This is driving me crazy.
Me: Hmm, by morning breakfast feast, I’m assuming you’re referring to my protein shot? Yes, it has crossed my mind, too… Okay, maybe like a million times. Do you realize it’s only 10 am???
Lex: Yes, I do realize that. Time has never dragged so slow. Was the stock market always this boring?
BTW… your glasses will be the death of me
Me: I think you need to get your mind out of the gutter and back into the boardroom, Mr. Edwards. A productive CEO always sets positive examples for his staff. By any chance is Kate free for a coffee at 2 pm? And BTW my glasses actually serve a purpose, not just for your pleasure.
Lex: My employee says hello and that she is free for coffee at 2 pm if you are. And yes… I said you will order tea. FYI, this is the last message I am passing on between the both of you.
Me: Tell her I said GREAT. And Boo! You’re a party pooper. I’ve got a client who just arrived. Love you, Mr. Uncooperative Edwards.
At two o’clock on the dot, I sit in the coffee shop in front of Kate. It’s so good to catch up with her now that everything’s out in the open. I just didn’t know how our friendship would work when all I want to talk about is Lex fucking me a dozen times in the past forty-eight hours.
“So… how’s everything going?” she asks while taking a sip of her latte.
“Is this going to be weird? You know, talking about him?”
“As long as you veer off the subject of anatomy, I think it’ll be fine.”
“Please, I’m not Eric.”
“Ahh, touché.”