Page 59 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
I quickly duck off to the bathroom which proves a little difficult in the dress, but I make it with moments to spare. As I stand there checking my makeup, Erin, one of the bridesmaids, walks in, and I can’t help but smirk, silly bitch for trying to get her claws into Lex earlier during the day.
“So, you and Lex, huh?”
“Yes, Lex and me.”
“You never mentioned it when I spoke about him earlier. I thought he was screwing that blonde chick… Victoria… something or other.”
“Oh my God, you’re joking? I didn’t know that. Maybe I should break up with him?” I answer, sarcastically.
“Maybe you should… I know a lot of ladies who’d be interested in him.”
“Clearly, sarcasm wasn’t your major, but you should try picking up a dictionary some time. It might help you understand when it’s being used.”
I fix a strand of my hair and get the hell out of the bathroom, high-fiving myself for my great comeback.
The rest of the night goes off without a hitch. Several times I was pulled into conversation with people when I just wanted to be with Lex. I dragged him everywhere with me and thank God he didn’t want to leave my side, though he proved distracting when he’d whisper things in my ear.
“Can we go now?” he begged, tugging on my earlobe with his teeth.
“This is your sister’s wedding. Your only sister. Now suck it up like the hot piece of ass… sorry, gentleman that you are.”
“Suck what up?” His hands move slowly past my ribcage, brushing my breast slightly.
“You’re evil, you know that, right?”
“Oh, Mrs. Edwards… what will I do with you?” he teases with a devilish grin.
Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Edwards—the name is like music to my ears.
“Did you want the X-rated answer or G-rated?”
He leans in, resting his hand on my shoulder. His breath, warm and soft, lingers against my skin “X… always X.”
Just as I’m about to whisper a string of dirty things I want to do with him, Emily and Andrew
are standing beside us, interrupting the soon-to-be pornographic banter. Dr. Edwards clears his throat as Lex turns around abruptly.
“Oh, Charlie… I’m so sorry about everything.” Emily sniffles as the tears escape her perfectly made face. Dr. Edwards hands her another tissue, somewhat unimpressed with her emotional outbursts throughout the night. I let go of Lex, throwing my hands around Emily to embrace her. This isn’t just about us. There are other people entwined in our past, ones I thought wouldn’t be so happy with our reunion.
“I’m sorry as well for disrespecting you. You’ve only ever treated me like your daughter.”
We pull apart as she moves a lock of hair away from my face with a gentle smile. “You were in love, and nothing should ever stand in the way of that.”
“Maybe you should tell her the news, you know, cheer the old lady up,” Lex says with an amusing grin.
“News?” Emily’s eyes dart back and forth between Lex and me. “And for the record, I’m not that old, Alexander.”
“We kinda got married… well, eloped a month ago.”
Emily draws her hand to her chest, shocked.
Dr. Edwards seems rather complacent.
“Well, I guess congratulations are in order,” she chokes, again almost in tears.
“That’s not all… you’re going to be a grandmother.”
Her eyes become soft, filling with an inner glow while pulling both of us into an embrace.