Page 35 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
“Charlie, hey, girlfriend,” he calls, snapping his fingers in front of me.
“Sorry, E… okay, so what have you got for me?” I focus on Eric because if anyone can make me feel normal for a split second, it’s him.
“Are you okay? I mean despite, you know… and having this bug which, by the way, don’t pass it on to me. I have a hot date with that Latino guy who works out at my gym.”
“Wait. What happened to that other guy?”
“Long story, but the short version is I caught him getting blown by the busboy at La Rouges last week.”
“I’m so sorry.” I frown, letting out a sigh. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Girl, you got your own worries.”
“Sorry, I’ve been a really shitty friend.”
“Yes, but it’s justifiable, sweet cheeks. Anyway, so guess what?” He claps excitedly, again.
“Emma fucked Tate last night in the parking garage downstairs.”
“No way!” The pitch of my voice is so high, it even startles me.
That’s the last thing I expected to come out of Eric’s mouth. I know Tate sleeps around, but as long as it was outside the office, I never asked him about his personal life. Despite Eric’s gossip mouth, I pray this union of theirs won’t affect our office and ability to work together as a team.
“Yep, I swear. She didn’t tell me, but you know how I get my brows waxed with Lyle down on six? Well, he saw them and texted me last night.”
“Let’s call her in.”
I smirk, dialing her number. She picks up immediately, and I ask her to join us in my office to discuss a brief.
Moments later, she walks in, and I’m not surprised when I see she is dressed differently from her usual attire. Without a doubt, she’s gone the extra effort to spice up her usually tame wardrobe. She’s wearing this thin, black pencil skirt which hugs her body in all the right places. Her blouse is a chiffon cream color and slightly unbuttoned, and her pumps are new, in fact slightly higher than she normally wears. Oh, she is so trying to impress. This will be fun—interrogation is my specialty. I am a lawyer, after all.
“Morning, Emma. You look awfully nice today. Special occasion?”
“I, uh… um… thanks, Charlie. How are you feeling?”
“Better. Thank you for asking. So, the Jensen case. I hear you and Tate have been making good progress. Ahead of schedule, I see?”
“Yeah, we’ve put in a lot of hours as we’re close to closing this one.”
“So, I see. And Tate hasn’t been working you too hard? You know, pushing you beyond your limits?”
She coughs as I say it, her face turning bright red while she stares down at the floor shuffling her feet awkwardly. “No, um… not at all. He’s been quite attentive to my, um… needs.”
The silence falls across the room as we wait for which one of us will cave. I know Eric won’t last long, and that’s why I love him. He has no filter, and during times like this, his normally annoying trait is a godsend.
“So, when you say attentive to your needs, do you mean the way he shot his cannonball into your love purse on that red Mercedes downstairs in the parking lot?” Eric asks in a serious tone.
“Eric.” I laugh uncontrollably.
“OMG, Eric, how do you know that?” Emma panics.
“Lyle saw you, and don’t worry, he won’t say anything because I offered to pay for his next five brow appointments. You owe me big time, girl. Now spill the juice.”
And so, she tells us the story of how last night unfolded, how for months there has been this awkward tension between them, but nothing came of it. Last night they were working late, and he offered her a ride home. Before she knew it, they were getting it on in the parking garage.
“And how was it?” I had to ask, desperate for any distraction, including Emma’s forbidden love affair.