Page 13 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
“Oh shit, man.” I almost cry. “Sea bass is one of my mother’s famous recipes.”
“I know,” Elijah chuckles.
“I need more drinks.”
The rounds keep coming, and the three of us are way too intoxicated to understand each other’s conversation. I watch the strippers gyrate throughout the night. By then, my vision has blurred, and I know it’s coming to an end before I pass out.
The music changes once again, this time playing Usher’s ‘Make Love in the Club.’ It’s soothing compared to the rest of the shit they played. A young girl walks slowly onto the stage. She looks different—a brunette. My eyes fixate on her. She’s wearing a pale pink bra with a matching thong and long brown hair sitting above her waist.
She looks new, maybe a rookie.
Taking to the pole, she closes her eyes ignoring the men in the front who yell vulgar words at her. As she opens her eyes, they meet mine—big chocolate brown eyes fixate on me.
I feel a slight stir in my pants.
It’s time to leave.
Delete. Delete. Delete.
The emails are coming thick and fast, but I choose to ignore them—him.
What is he going to tell me? It’s all manipulated by the media, and he is the victim?
I’m stronger than this, I don’t need him. If I can handle eight years without him, then I can get through this. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.
Eric came to my rescue in the parking lot. He saw me at my most vulnerable moment and wanted to take me up to my apartment, but I refused. Instead, he grabbed some of my things and took me to his place. I sobbed the entire way, and he looked at me, helpless. He was unable to ask the questions that lingered, and I was unable to give him answers, but I picked myself up the only way I knew how—burying my head in the sand, ignoring the situation, and pretending it doesn’t exist.
After my big blow-up with Nikki, I avoided the office for a few days by working from home. I soon realized Lex would eventually track me down, so I needed somewhere else to stay, somewhere he couldn’t find me.
Unlike anything I have done before, I reached outside my comfort zone and contacted Kate. She answered immediately, and thankfully, was willing to help me out for a few nights.
I’m standing inside the hotel lobby with my pathetic suitcase beside me. As soon as she sees me, she rushes to where I stand, throwing me into an embrace. Kate is exactly what I need at this moment—a friend not involved in this so-called mess known as my life.
Inside her suite, I instantly notice how nice the room is—an upgrade, no doubt. Surely, she must have been giving her boss serious head for this.
“Wow, this is amazing.” I glance around the living area separate from the bedroom. “I can’t thank you enough. I really needed a place to stay, life has just gone…” I sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to ask.”
“Hey, don’t worry.” She motions for me to take a seat. “Life has thrown me a giant curveball, too. Arsehole was banging that beastly bird in that pic on Insta. I said goodbye to that tosser.”
“Oh my God, Kate. I’m so sorry.”
“Better now than later, right?” There’s a sadness in her expression, but she’s quick to replace it with a mischievous grin. “Don’t worry, I met this gorgeous Navy guy last weekend, and can I just discuss how yummy that rebound was? I’m so done and dusted with that Aussie jerk. Found better and bigger fish in the sea… one with better gills if you know what I mean.”
Of course, I know what she means. His cock was bigger and better, always a plus.
“Arghh, excuse me for just one second, it’s the boss.” She answers the call with an annoyed look on her face. “Good morning, sir.”
She remains on the line while I walk toward the window admiring the view of the park. It’s early morning in the city that never sleeps and is busy as usual, even with a storm due to come in over the next forty-eight hours. I watch as people scurry along, zigzagging in and out of the crowds, obviously late for work. The tourists are walking around in awe, snapping photographs of everything in sight. I watch the few homeless people who roam the streets, lost in their own little world. How, in that moment, I envy their strength to carry on every day despite their shitty circumstances.
“Yes, she got the contracts. No, I don’t know. Her assistant refused to give me that information. Okay… okay, thank you, sir.”
Kate hangs up the phone.
“Sir?” I tease, grinning. “Sounds kinda kinky.”
“Oh, trust me, it’s not.” Throwing her phone onto the couch, she gazes at me intently. “Charlie, you look like a truck ran over you. Tell me what’s been happening. So, your love life has gone tits up?”