Page 114 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
He tries to do that intimidating glare he does, the one that makes his staff hide in their cubicles but I’m not having a bit of it. I am a goddamn lawyer, and I know he hates the fact I am trained to ignore this type of intimidation.
After the ‘showdown,’ he manages to stop being a prick and kisses me goodbye. He promises to meet me back at home after I enjoy London and manage to hunt down Eric’s royal hand towel, which will now be referred to as the royal chicken rag.
I’m barely able to press the button on the elevator as my hands are so full of shopping bags. Yes, I became some sort of shopaholic, buying beyond-adorable British baby attire.
As the doors open, I drag my tired feet through the living room, dumping the bags on the sofa. I’m exhausted, the jetlag still tiring me as well as this shitty weather. Pulling my scarf off, I walk toward the bedroom until the sight before me stops me dead in my tracks. The blood drains from my face, my heart beats erratic as I drop my scarf trying to make sense of what I’m seeing.
“Sorry, sweetheart, thought you were Lex.”
The woman lets out a disturbing laugh, and yet I’m still tongue-tied, trying to think of something to say. C’mon, Charlie, wittiness and comebacks are your specialty. Yeah, maybe not when a woman is practically naked and handcuffed to your husband’s, no, our bed!
“How did you get in here, and who the hell are you?”
Interrogation, okay, let’s start with that.
“My name is Roxy, and I have a key. Lex gave it to me years ago during the time when he couldn’t keep his hands off me,” she answers calmly.
“Past tense. What makes you think you can still barge in here and expect the same?” I try my best to control my tone, but this is personal, and I’m not in the courtroom defending a client. My feelings are hurt. Lex is a fucking jerk, and any sense of rational thoughts go right out the window along with any pride I have.
“Sweetie, Lex likes his regulars. You must know that, just like the way he likes his sex. Rough and dominating. He likes his women to take him all in. He likes it when we let out a cry as he slams his cock into us, the way he takes you from behind, face down, arse up. He likes to finger our arse, not one but sometimes two…”
What the hell am I listening to!
The tears are on the verge of slipping, but I put on my poker face. Don’t let this bitch get to you.
“If you think this bothers me, then your loss. It’s the past, Roxy. We all have one…”
“No one can tame Lex, let that be a lesson learned.”
“Well, I’m the one wearing the wedding ring, doll face,” I struggle to say, hoping my nerves won’t betray me.
The sound of footsteps echo throughout the hall, and I turn around to see BJ inside.
“Roxy, what the fuck are you doing here? Take that beastly fanny of yours and leave them the fuck alone.
“BJ, what a pleasant surprise. You want to do a tag team again?” With a shrill in her voice, she licks her lips. It’s impossible to ignore her fucking vagina as she purposely spreads her legs.
“Belt up, Roxy. You’re not welcome here anymore. Now get your shit and leave before I drag you out of here,” he warns.
He walks over and hugs me as I’m barely able to hold it together. I allow myself to be comforted by him because my mind’s going crazy with so many questions needing an answer. We are interrupted as Lex runs through the door, out of breath, his eyes darting between Roxy and BJ, then a look of sorrow as he focuses on me.
“Roxy, how the fuck did you get in here?”
“Lex, baby, remember… you gave me this key? The night both you and BJ had your cocks in my pussy.”
This is too much.
I pull myself out of BJ’s embrace and head out of the room.
I can’t cope.
The sordid image is now ingrained in my brain, and I want to erase it, but no, I can’t fucking drink!
“Charlotte, please wait!” Lex grabs my arm, but I manage to slip out of his grip.
“Don’t touch me…” I warn.