Page 110 of Chasing Us (Dark Love 2)
Charlotte is called by Kate.
Before leaving, she whispers, “Let it go.”
How can I let it go? This woman fucking angers me.
“Cometemos errores cuando estamos tratando de proteger a la persona que amamos. We make mistakes when we are trying to protect the person we love.”
“We do make mistakes when we are trying to protect the ones we love. I should know that since I spent eight years trying to fix mine,” I answer bitterly.
“Then, you must understand how I feel.”
“I’m trying. That’s the best I can do.”
“I see things, Alex…”
“Lex,” I correct her.
“You are still Alex in her eyes. You may think you have this new persona, but Charlotte still sees you as Alex. The one she fell in love with. This ‘Lex’ you speak of, he is only capable of hurting her. He became a man lost in a world of deceit and self-destruction. Perhaps you need to look at yourself, find who you really are,” she warns.
“You think I would hurt Charlotte again?”
Who the fuck does this woman think she is! I don’t give one goddamn fuck she is Charlotte’s mother.
“I don’t think, I know,” she tells me.
“Well, you’re wrong, okay?”
“This gift has been passed down from my great aunt. Its force is strong and unbeknown to me at times. The vision is there, blinding me and warning me to inform those in its path.”
“I don’t believe your mumbo jumbo, Maria. I don’t care that you’re Charlotte’s mother. Sounds to me like you’re jealous of your daughter because she found something you haven’t. Don’t poison her mind. Leave her alone and let her make her own decisions.”
Staring blankly into my eyes, her gaze wanders to where Charlotte is standing with Kate. Charlotte is laughing, happy, and content. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever change that again.
“I’m not here to poison her mind. Her path has been decided upon. You, on the other hand, still have the chance to change yours.” They are her parting words before she walks away.
Unable to mask my anger toward her, I’m unaware Mark is now standing beside me. He places his hand on my shoulder, patting it.
“Don’t listen to her nonsense. Nothing’s decided, what stuff like that does is implant a vicious seed in your head. I’ve had years of hearing that garbage, I should know,” he rambles.
It’s too late. Her words are seeping into my conscience, slowly planting a seed. Am I capable of hurting Charlotte again? How? I know I can’t exist without her, so the thought of pushing her away inflicts pain upon myself.
This isn’t what I want to be thinking about on my wedding day. Shake it off, Lex, jealousy is an ugly trait, and that’s all this is.
I scan the area looking for Charlotte, needing her touch to reassure me that it’s just us for a lifetime. She’s standing beside BJ and Eric, laughing and carefree as BJ drapes his arm over her. He’s a sly bastard, and without even thinking, I move toward them.
“Mate, why haven’t you introduced me to your lovely Mrs. yet? I had to hunt her down myself, and I tell ya what, this one sure is a keeper.” He laughs, holding onto her tight, too tight for my liking.
“BJ, you’re only saying that because I gave you a run for your money,” Charlotte chastises.
“You’re a top bird, Charlie. Now tell me where I can find my good friend, Kate. She did a runner on me.”
“How about you keep your dick in your pants and away from Kate?”
I burst out laughing, pulling Charlotte’s arm toward me. BJ let’s go, and with a pout, continues to ramble on about Kate being a cold-blooded bitch until Charlotte puts him in his place. Another reason why I love her.
“Kate’s never mentioned you, BJ. Surely, if she had, I’d know your length and girth by now.” Eric smirks.