Page 79 of Chasing Love (Dark Love 1)
Finally finding my phone, I pull it out with an unknown number on the screen.
Unknown number: Good evening, Charlotte, I want a chance to explain to you what happened last night. Please, it’s not what you think. Just let me explain. Lex.
How on earth did he get my number? Eric, the little snake.
Julian takes a call that comes through on his phone, excusing himself to the kitchen. I sit there, numb for ten minutes, wondering what I should reply with. I can’t come up with anything, so I send him a text asking him to explain.
Unknown number: I haven’t seen Samantha in eight years, not since I left her. Adriana told me she is going through a nasty divorce, and her ex is fighting for custody. She was drunk last night and wanted entry into the club, but I refused, and so she made a scene.
I don’t know what to believe. He told me he wouldn’t lie to me, yet this whole situation is one big fuck-up. Part of me wants to believe it’s true, but it still hurts like hell. Typing back, I ask him to check in the mirror to see if his nose is getting bigger. He responds quickly, turning my words around as usual.
Unknown number: My nose looks fine to me, can’t say that about other parts though.
Unable to hide the smile playing on my lips, it’s obvious some things never change. I’m not sure how to respond without encouraging his naughty behavior, but of course, my sadistic inner self is telling my fingers to type.
I quickly respond, Julian stepping back into the room, apologizing.
There’s a last-minute press conference tonight at town hall for a political scandal that has exploded, and I see it coming—he has to leave.
“I’m sorry, gorgeous.” He takes my hand, kissing my knuckles. “I promise when we live together and we’re married, it won’t be this bad.”
Marriage—the word strikes a chord best not played in my head right now.
This is the life of a journalist—chasing the lead.
I assure him I’m fine. We’ll have plenty of other nights to enjoy each other’s company. He kisses me deeply, thanking me for being so understanding.
On the cab ride back home, I play with my phone, desperately wanting to ask Lex about the kitchen, but I don’t want him to know I have no clue what happened. Using my tactics when in court, I try to hold the upper hand, not showing any weakness.
But Lex is a game-player, and his method is downright dirty.
Inside the cab, I squirm on the leather seat. When my apartment is in view, I can’t pay the driver any faster, exiting the cab and running upstairs in a mad rush.
Shutting the door behind me, I head straight for my room and change into my nightie. Quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth, I climb into bed despite the early hour.
I need to release this sexual tension and now.
Turning on my lamp, I reach into my bedside drawer and pull out my good friend, Mr. Rabbit. Relaxing, I place it in between my legs, slow swirls making the ache unbearable.
Dropping Mr. Rabbit on the bed, I slide my hand further, rubbing, delightfully surprised by how incredibly wet I am. I move faster, imagining Lex fucking me hard and fast against the wall. I remember how his cock would throb inside me, and how intense his thrusts were.
It’s enough to push me over the edge, an orgasm barreling through me as I arch my back and moan loudly.
Trying to catch my breath, poor Mr. Rabbit is lying helpless beside me. What a waste bringing him out.
With a satisfied smile, my eyelids become heavy, and I drift into a peaceful sleep.
And in my dreams, I only see his face, I only feel his touch.
The man who promised me a life together nine years ago.
The day is overcast, mirroring my mood.
I’ve no idea how to approach the Charlotte and Samantha situation, and so to clear my head I run through Central Park.
My legs run faster than ever, pushing through the burn as sweat builds against my shirt and drips from my forehead. The time I run is my personal best, and the only positive thing I have control over.