Page 70 of Chasing Love (Dark Love 1)
I had been dreading this party since last night.
I knew I’d see her again, but every time it just got worse. The yearn to kiss her beautiful lips became hard to ignore, and despite my feelings toward her being all sorts of wrong, I could’ve sworn she felt everything too.
Already the night started off bad when Sammy decided to sit on my lap as Charlotte walked down the stairs. I wanted to push Sammy off but knew I couldn’t without raising suspicion.
As usual, Sammy did her over-the-top greeting with Charlotte. It was obvious Adriana was rubbing off on her. I couldn’t stand superficial girls. Charlotte was different, though, or at least I thought she was before I saw that Danes kid all over her on the dance floor. What the fuck was that? I was standing with Elijah while he rambled on about Apple’s latest stock price. I couldn’t give a damn, I just wanted to know why that guy’s hands were all over her, and why she was rubbing her pussy against his leg.
My anger rose with every sway of her body against his. The need to punch him straight in that face of his becoming more tempting by the second. And this music, lyrics about fucking pussies and whores? My sister was a goddamn idiot.
I’d had enough of what I seen, escaping to the kitchen to find Sammy spiking the punch.
“Very mature of you, Samantha,” I sarcastically pointed out as she poured the whole bottle of vodka into the punch. My sister taking a cup and downing it in one go.
“Oh, lighten up. Who crowned you king?” she retorted.
“Funny, Samantha, ‘cause the shit is on me if anything happens. Adriana, lay off the fucking punch.”
“I’m eighteen, Alex. Geez, Sam, I don’t know how you put up with him.”
I was just about to tell her where to shove her eighteenth birthday party when Charlotte walked in. She avoided making eye contact with me, probably for the best. I was still fuming about what I witnessed on the dance floor.
“So, Charlie, Adriana tells me you and Finn…” Sam teased.
I wasn’t leaving the room now. I wanted to hear her response. She defensively responded to Sam until Adriana dropped the bombshell.
“Please, Char, good friends don’t just lose their virginity to each other.”
What the fuck?
So she lost her virginity to him?
Was she still fucking him?
She said she didn’t have a boyfriend.
I was furious, storming out of the kitchen. I needed to get out of the chaos, finding refuge under the stars, the fresh air clearing my mind. It wasn’t long before she found me. I could feel her near me before she even spoke.
There was trepidation in her voice, and immediately, I felt myself weaken. It was unfair to be angry with her. It wasn’t her fault I was married, or that I felt like a miserable failure studying for a career I no longer wanted.
And it wasn’t her fault she was so unbelievably gorgeous. Those fuck-me boots didn’t help the hard-on that became present anytime she was near me.
She continued speaking, apologizing for what went on in the kitchen. The next part caught my attention—her sex life. If I was angry before, it was nothing like what I was feeling now. I wanted to take her over to my car, spread her legs, and make her mine. Tell her I’d be the only one fucking that pretty little pussy of hers.
I didn’t know what had come over me—I was fucking married.
The turmoil inside me was taking its toll.
I asked her if she and this Danes kid were an item.
“No, we aren’t. I told you, I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“So what? You’re fuck buddies, then? It sure looked like it when you were dancing.”
The instant it left my mouth, I regretted it, but I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted her. Couldn’t she see that? Clenching my hands, I tried to control my anger.
She rambled on about their history, something I had no interest in hearing, but it did explain a lot. Then she asked me why I cared.