Page 168 of Chasing Love (Dark Love 1)
There was a massive eruption of laughter around me, and it was only moments later I realized what had happened. The corners of my lips curled. I fought hard as my cheeks swelled momentarily with the pressure, but it was no use. My laughter erupted, echoing through the crowd as I bent over, slapping my knee repeatedly. “Did you just shart yourself?”
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch!”
Alex leaned down, unable to contain his laughter as he undid the heel from my dress. A mortified Kaley lifted her dress attempting to cover the brown spot that had formed against the pale pink fabric. The group of us fell to the floor in hysterics.
“Is everything okay?” Principal Sinclair asked.
“Yes, sir,” we all said in unison.
We leaned on each other to stand up.
This was a night to remember, all right.
“Char, that was hilarious! I’ve no idea why she’s making up stuff about you and Alex, though?” Adriana asked, looking confused as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Please, like I’d touch this jerk with a ten-foot pole.” I chuckled, punching Alex in the arm.
I was worried he’d take offense, but he caught on quickly to the game we were playing.
“Nice, Char,” he teased, mimicking Adriana’s nickname for me.
“Oh my God, you guys!”
Our heads turned to where Adriana was looking. Standing there at the entrance of the gymnasium was Elijah in his crisp baby blue suit with a black shirt buttoned down. He looked like he belonged in the 1960s, but he rocked that suit. It was a modern take, and no one could have pulled that off except Elijah Morrison.
?? Adriana screamed, pulling Elijah into an embrace. She chatted animatedly to Elijah explaining every detail of the night so far. Their long reunion gave Alex a moment to whisper something into my ear.
“Now,” were the only words he spoke.
I followed him to the punch table conveniently located next to a hidden exit. Slipping our way through unnoticed, he pulled my hand, and we ended up in a corridor not far from my biology class. “Is this your biology classroom?”
“Yes,” I answered, unsure of where he was going with this.
He pulled me to the door and turned the handle. It was unlocked. The room was dark, except for a slight hint of the moon. “Which one is your desk?”
“The one at the back by the window,” I responded, still baffled.
He led me to the desk and cupped my face, kissing me hard, our tongues in a frenzy after being apart for a week. I missed him. God, I fucking missed everything about him.
“Charlotte, you look so beautiful tonight, but I need to do filthy things to you right now on your desk.”
His lips brushed along my neckline, arousing every inch of me. Running my tongue along his jaw inhaling his scent as I went then closed my eyes losing myself in this moment. He lifted and placed me on my desk. Spreading my legs wide open, he stood between them, then tilting his head slightly he placed his mouth on my chest, lavishing it with kisses. Hungrily, he unzipped me, exposing my bra that formed no barrier as he pushed it up baring my breasts. Taking each nipple into his mouth, I groaned. This only added to the intensity as he sucked them harder. I arched my back, begging him to enter me.
“You want me to slide my cock in right now?”
I nodded, unable to speak.
“No, Charlotte. You’ve made my life a living hell this past week. You sent my mind on the wildest goose chase possible, imagining the worst between you and Carter,” he continued, taking my nipple in his mouth harder.
I wanted more—his anger was only adding to the pleasure. Sliding my leg up and exposing my ass, he grabbed it tight. Leaning forward, he opened my drawer fumbling for something.
What would he need from my desk?
A ruler.
Exposing my ass, he gently slapped the ruler against my skin while he tugged on my nipples with his teeth. I arched my back, the balance between pleasure and pain overwhelming me. Holy shit, this was so fucking hot. He was spanking me for being naughty. I secretly got off on shit like this.