Page 165 of Chasing Love (Dark Love 1)
“So, Charlie, where’s the love of your life tonight?”
“I really hope you aren’t referring to Carter because I heard you claimed him in the restroom at the truck stop on the interstate,” I sneered.
“Funny, Charlie. No, I’m referring to Alex Edwards.”
Oh God, why would she think that?
“Um, loser… Alex is Adriana’s brother and a good friend. Don’t go spreading shit around town. I’m sure your mouth has better use like giving that Ukrainian exchange student a blow job in the janitor’s closet.”
“You’re a bitch, Charlie.” Storming off, she walked back to her friends only to trip on her dress. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad night after all.
I looked at the clock on the wall. It was a little after seven. Where the hell was Adriana? She should have been here an hour ago. I started to worry, but being a typical girl, my damn phone wouldn’t fit in my purse, so there was no way I could even call her. Impatiently, I decided to have some punch while chatting with Finn, Jen, and a few of the girls in my class, including Heather, a new student.
Logan and Jen decided to hit the dance floor as Bobby Brown blared through the speakers.
“Oh my God, he’s so fucking hot. I can’t believe she brought him. Oh my, Charlie, seriously, look at him,” Heather gasped.
The other girls in the group were also fluffing their feathers. Who the fuck were they going on about? I turned around and was met by those hypnotic emerald eyes, the ones belonging to my Alex. His eyes were already on me, and I had no doubt that I looked just like these girls—jaw-dropping with drool dribbling out of my mouth. He looked like a fucking male model sent from a GQ magazine in this flashy-looking black suit and white, collared shirt slightly buttoned. His hair looked different, a little shorter and actually styled with a freshly shaven face.
I couldn’t ignore the smile which radiated from his face as soon as his eyes locked with mine. I tried not to smile back only because I didn’t want anyone to notice, which only confused him, as the smile faded followed by him whispering into Adriana’s ear. Adriana, of course, looked stunning in her short ballerina-style dress matched with an extremely high pair of heels. Her face looked somber, and unfortunately, I had to ask her what happened to Elijah, which meant I needed to be physically near Alex. Restraint had to hold my hand right now because I couldn’t go it alone.
“Hey, Char. Sorry I’m so late.”
“Um… never mind that. Where’s Elijah, and why are you here?”
“Thanks, Charlotte, nice welcome,” Alex answered, sarcastically.
“I didn’t mean it like that… I uh… was just surprised to see you here since you aren’t a senior.” I stumbled on my words trying to compose myself as all the girls kept gawking.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Kaley with her big fat you’re-in-love-with-him-and- I’m-going-to-spill-it-to-everyone face.
“Elijah came down with that bug that’s been going around. He puked up twice before getting in the limo. He looked awful, and he didn’t want me to miss out, so he suggested I take Alex.”
“Well, you could have gone dateless,” I blurted out.
“Wow, Charlotte, anyone would think you didn’t want me here,” Alex deadpanned, his face annoyed by my hostility to his presence.
Shit! This was all playing out wrong.
“I didn’t mean it like that—”
“What the hell’s wrong with you two? Oh, that’s right, Samantha told me about your big blow-up over covering for me. Well, big bro, since my man is incapacitated, you guys can kiss and make up now. No harm, no foul. Oh my God, someone knocked that street sign over!” Within a flash, she had disappeared, so I stood there, uncomfortable with her suggestion to kiss and make up. If only she fucking knew.
“So now you want to tell me why you so desperately don’t want me here?”
“Look, Alex, I just wasn’t expecting you.”
“No shit. And it’s a problem because?”
“Because after a week of you not speaking to me, I’m afraid that people will catch on to the fact that we have some beef with each other. And that beef can be misinterpreted as a lovers’ quarrel.”
“Well, I didn’t see you pick up the phone to text or even email me.”
“Maybe because the last conversation we had, you had your wife all over you reminding you of the fantastic sex you were going to have that night!”
Okay, so that was over-the-top melodramatic Charlie at her finest. It didn’t erase the hurt I felt that lingered a week later. His silence felt like an admission of what I said. I felt a stab in the heart, a punch in the gut. What did I honestly expect?
“Charlotte, please.” He extended his arm to touch me but retracted it almost immediately, aware of the watchful eyes that preyed on gossip. “Samantha was being ridiculous.”