Page 152 of Chasing Love (Dark Love 1)
She has a point, but if there’s any moment to spill the beans it’s now, while I’m on the verge of a massive hangover tomorrow. Plus, I know part of her ‘dud’ sex encounter with Finn.
“I think I can handle it. Finn and his pathetic attempt to get you off,” I tell her, uninterested.
She shoots me an annoyed look, so I shut up.
“I was seventeen. Finn and I had been friends for like, forever. One day we decided maybe it was fate, you know, us being together, so we lost our virginities to each other on the beach. It was cold, the sand was gross, and I chaffed because I couldn’t get wet. Plus, he was huge.”
“How huge?” Nikki raises her brows.
Charlotte holds her shot glass toward her lips with a knowing grin. “Not as big as some.”
“Way to go, Edwards!” Rocky holds up his hand to high-five me.
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to react, laughing as I shrug my shoulders. Charlotte slurs something else before bursting out into laughter and accidentally spilling the vodka down her tank top.
“Okay, next question, since Nikki just lost that hand,” Charlotte puts her on the spot. “How many guys have you fucked? And I mean fucked, not blow jobs.”
Nikki scratches her head trying to think, then she bursts out laughing for no reason.
“I told you six… I think. There was the guy I lost my virginity to then he screwed my best friend, so I fucked his best friend after they won the state championships. Then there was John the science guy—”
“Was he the guy with the funky spunk?” Rocky blurts out.
Charlotte and I cringe in unison.
“Yes, Rocky. Then there was Dave—”
“Small Dick Dave?” Rocky snickers.
“Yes, Small Dick Dave. Then, oh yeah, we can’t forget the twins. Michael and Matthew.”
“You fucked twins?” Charlotte gasps.
“Yes, but it wasn’t… what’s the word I’m looking for?”
“Aw babe, not the twin story again,” Rocky whines.
“You had an orgy with four girls.” Nikki points her finger close to his face. “What the hell are you getting jealous about?”
“Yeah, but they weren’t hot like you.”
Rocky tries to make kissy sounds toward Nikki, but she pushes him away, stubborn as usual.
“You said it was the greatest experience of your life because one of them squirted on your face,” Nikki reminds him.
I spit out my shot all over my chest and some even through my nose. Unable to contain my laughter, Charlotte joins me as she slaps the table, some poker chips falling to the floor.
An hour later, I’m sitting in my boxers after going all-in, and Nikki calls my bluff.
Charlotte is still winning but has lost one round costing her to lose her tank top. Several times, my eyes wander across to her chest, not that she cares. With the bottle of vodka almost finished, she’s determined to win.
Nikki is down to just her underwear, and as much as I detest her, she has an amazing body. Then we are left with Rocky. His stack is gone, and so is his underwear. Sitting on the chair free-balling in all his glory, he’s quick to point out the temperature in the room is cold, hence his predicament.
Charlotte grabs my cock then yells, “No, it’s not. Lex is as hard as a rock.”
With my motor skills compromised, I don’t bat her away, wondering why I am hard considering it is cold in the room. Thank fuck I still have my boxers on.
Two bottles of liquor are now finished before Nikki brings out the Sambuca. Jesus Christ, even I have my limits. Checking my phone, it’s just after midnight, and there’s a text from Adriana about stopping off for a late dinner, barely able to read it without squinting my eyes.