Page 138 of Chasing Love (Dark Love 1)
It takes her a moment, but eventually, just the corners of her mouth I see a small smile appear.
“If he were, I’d have a ring on my finger, and you would be officially having dinner with Mrs. Timberlake.”
“It was a stupid thing for us to bring up, but it’s out in the open, and I’m more than happy to place that in the vault of conversations that never should be brought up again,” I tell her, politely.
“I’m sorry, too, Lex. You’re a guy. I don’t know why it would shock me. I mean, Jesus, look at you. It would have been impossible for you to be celibate.”
“I’m trying here, Charlotte. This is harder than I thought. I can’t deny the fact that I want you, all of you, to be mine.” I hold her hand as I say the words, and she lets me do so for a minute before pulling back.
“I need time, Lex. Please don’t push me.”
I’m a rookie at this relationship stuff. I mean, fuck, I couldn’t even hold down a marriage without having a fucking affair. Some things I have no control over.
The waiter appears again with our starter, the two of us eating quietly, engaging in small chit chat before he returns with the entrée.
“So anyway, I wanted to thank you again for my birthday gift. It means a lot to me.”
Toying with the pendant between her fingers, her gaze shifts toward the sea, an open stare followed by silence. I’m taken aback that she brought the subject up to begin with. Was she ready to talk about whatever it is that’s bothering her?
“I know it means something to you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t get it inked on your skin. You hate needles.” Letting out a small chuckle, I remember the time I had to give her a flu shot.
“True, but over time, I got better. I just needed a reminder that no matter what life throws at you, there’s always time to be reborn and be the best you can be.”
“Well, you’re amazing. I mean, at your age to have accomplished so much given what happened…” I hesitate, unsure of what to say next.
Like her mind is distracted with another thought, I give her a moment not wanting to push her. Moments pass with no words, and eventually I suggest we move up to the main deck.
“So, you live in London? What does your place look like? I bet it’s all minimalistic and hot.” She changes the topic which I welcome.
“It’s cold and unlived in. I live in the penthouse of my building. It’s big, but honestly, I’m rarely
“Okay, so where’s the best place you have visited?”
“Mmm, I’d have to say the Greek Islands.”
“For holiday or work?”
“Always work. We have a new client based in Greece. When I went over, the CEO ensured the meetings were held on the islands, so I got a taste of the market and culture. The people were extremely friendly, and the food was fantastic.”
“Is that why you’re so tanned now?” she mocks with a playful grin.
“That would be thanks to a business trip to Thailand a few months back.”
She giggles, and I’m not sure what’s so funny.
“Um, so Thailand is notorious for ladyboys. They would have been in ladyboy heaven seeing you.”
“Charlotte, I don’t know what you’re implying, but I don’t pay for sex, and I think it’s pretty obvious which ones are boys and which ones are girls.”
“You’d like to think so, right? Just ask Rocky.” She erupts into a ball of laughter holding onto her stomach.
I joined in, but the shock is too much. “No way!”
“He didn’t sleep with one, but his close encounter was enough to send him into hiding for days.”
The thought is hilarious, and we laugh for what feels like forever.