Page 119 of Chasing Love (Dark Love 1)
“Nooo, Leexxx… look, I’m fineee. See, I even like you right now.”
“So, you didn’t like me before?”
“Nooo, I hated you… hated you for leaving me alone… leaving us.”
“You hated me, Charlotte?” I ask cautiously.
She wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me in close, smelling my skin.
“Of course, I hated you… but now I like you again.” She kisses my forehead, then smiles. My arms wrap around her waist, holding onto her as she struggles to compose herself.
“What do you mean by us, Charlotte?”
“You and me, us.” Her tone changes. “Let’s dance… please, Lex.”
She jumps off my lap and drags me onto the dance floor. We dance, and she holds onto me tight. She sings to me, and I sing back to her. It’s our only way of speaking to each other. I can’t even remember what the song is because I’m so lost in this moment with her. The band announces it’s the last song of the night, so what do they play? Whitney Houston. I let Charlotte have her fun with the girls as they dance all ‘80s like to the music.
I walk back to the table and find Eric, Rocky, and Elijah laughing while looking at me.
“Why can’t you guys just kiss and make up already?” Eric laughs.
“Or kiss and fuck already,” Rocky chimes in.
“Oh wait, too late, you guys have already done that,” Elijah chides.
“Funny, you guys. Since the three of you are so interested, why don’t you ask Charlotte the same questions?”
“Dude, she’ll have my balls if I ask her that.”
“I thought Nikki already wore those as earrings,” I sarcastically answer.
“Ohhh, snap!” Eric cheers.
“Sorry, man, but he has a point. Why the fuck are you so whipped, anyway?” Elijah jokes.
“Dude, my wife’s hot. She’s my baby-momma, plus she’s as kinky as shit in the bedroom. There was this one time—” Nikki comes up behind him and pinches his ear like a naughty first- grader.
“What were you saying about me?”
“Uh, nothing… that you’re beautiful… a great mother and a gentle person.”
Eric almost spits out his sangria. I hide my laughter behind the wine glass in my hand. Elijah tries his best to keep a straight face but is failing miserably.
“I’ll deal with you later,” she responds in a commanding tone.
Rocky’s eyes light up, his hands rubbing together with delight.
“Okay, I’m outty, you guys,” Eric chirps. “My friend texted me and turns out a really hot model was seen at a club. I’m just waiting to find out where.” He continues texting on his phone, faster than the speed of light. Charlotte and Adriana come back to the table, both of them looking relaxed and chilled.
“You ready to go, babe?” Adriana askes Elijah.
“Ready when you are, princess,” Elijah murmurs.
“Dude, I ain’t the only one without balls.” Rocky chuckles.
“What can I say? I’m the luckiest guy alive…” he pauses then continues, “… with no balls.”