Page 37 of The Marriage Rival
Carolina takes us back downstairs, toward the back where she shows us a game room with attached home theater, and down the hall, a home office plus den.
I step into den, gazing at the beautiful oak shelves filled with books and knick-knacks.
“This room is perfect,” I mumble as my eyes move toward the stone fireplace. “The fireplace is… wow.”
Haden grabs my hand, pulling me outside to the backyard.
Masen is jumping beside the pool, the biggest smile planted on his little face. The pool looks refreshing, and equally nice is the jacuzzi beside it. But what really catches my
attention is the breathtaking views of the canyons with the sunset in the distance.
“Momma! There’s a waterslide, and Daddy said I could have swimming lessons so I can learn to dive just like him.”
The house is beautiful, Haden is right, I have fallen in love with it. A combination of the perfect retreat and charm I have always wanted in a house.
Once Haden left to join Masen, I ask Carolina for the asking price, nearly combusting on the spot when she tells me the figures.
I call Haden over, asking Carolina to give us a moment of privacy.
“We can’t afford this.”
“Yes, we can.”
When it comes to our financials, I only half pay attention when Haden throws numbers at me every so often. We are secure, but by all means, this house is on another level. A level I don’t believe we can afford.
“Haden, I’m serious.”
“We can afford it,” he reiterates. “Our investments have done well. However, we need to sell the bungalow.”
My heart immediately sinks. I didn’t think I would be so attached to a house which I refer to often as the money pit, but clearly, I am.
Masen comes running up the paved stairs, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Mommy, please, please say yes. I love this house.”
Gem is out of breath, stopping just shy of us, hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. “This is some place, Pres. If you end up buying it, I call dibs on the room with the giant tub.”
“That’s my room, Aunty Gemma!” Masen pouts, crossing his arms.
I turn my head around one more time to look at the house. After the past few weeks and what feels like a tiring few years, maybe what we need is a fresh start. A new place to call home.
This could be the answer to pull me out of whatever is causing this unwanted tension within me. I’ve been stagnant for too long.
Change will be good.
For Haden, for Masen, and hopefully, me.
I take a deep breath, ignoring the price tag but remembering Haden’s stipulation regarding the bungalow. Suddenly, I’m torn again, riddled by that sinking feeling in my stomach.
Haden picks up Masen whispering something into his ear which makes him giggle. The two of them look remarkably alike. It’s unbelievable that Masen looks nothing like me.
“So, what’s the verdict, Momma?” Haden asks, his face almost bursting with anticipation while Masen nods his head, trying to encourage me to say yes.
I can’t win against them, no matter how hard I try.
“Where do we sign?”