Page 70 of The Office Rival: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance
“Do you want to go somewhere and talk?” I offer.
“I have to attend this dinner with Eloise.”
I don’t say anything, and he quickly adds, “But I can cancel. Can we go back to your place?”
Eloise doesn’t take the cancellation well. The argument in the taxi ride home echoes through the speaker.
Some mouth she has on her.
His patience is wearing thin, and the grinding from his teeth is audible, not to mention his repetitive tapping of the door handle, which is driving me insane. When he directs the driver to stop at the corner pizza place, I welcome the interruption.
When we walk through the door of the apartment, the exhaustion of the day hits me like a ton of bricks, and I fall onto the sofa effortlessly.
The one thing I love about Kate’s apartment is how cozy and warm it feels. There is something about this place that makes you feel like you are home. It could be the one-of-a-kind vintage pieces or the comfortable natural-colored sofa that practically begs your body to sink into it. Either way, I’m happy to be here.
“Nice place. Who did you say owns it?” He takes a slice of pizza, practically inhaling it in one bite.
“My roommate, Kate, but actually her best friend, Charlie Edwards, owns the place.”
“Name sounds familiar,” he casually responds.
“Maybe you know her husband, Lex Edwards? He was the one who told me about Mr. Sadler being your stepdad.”
Haden lets out a long whistle. “I remember her. How could I forget?” He chuckles at what appears to be his own private joke. “She was at this event, some business thing. I believe I tried to, um… anyway, Lex was quick to set me straight.”
I have to laugh at this. I can only imagine how possessive Lex could be. He and his wife are stunning—at least from Kate’s photographs they are. From what Kate told me, no one, and I mean no one, gets near Lex’s wife.
“Always the player, aren’t you?” I tease, grabbing another slice of pepperoni pizza that I am certain is calling my name.
“Was,” he corrects me. “What am I now? I don’t even know who I am.”
Taking slow bites, I drink some soda and wipe my mouth with a napkin. “You’re the same person to me. A big fat jerk. Well, not the fat part because actually, you’re quite muscular and lean, but you …” I trail off as he stares at me in bewilderment.
“What? Sauce on my face?” I ask, paranoid.
“No… it’s nothing.”
I let it go for now, finishing off the last bite and holding in the burp that wants to escape.
?It’s nice to just pig out on pizza,” he says out of the blue.
“It’s one of life’s greatest pleasures. You don’t pig out on pizza? I thought guys were all about pizza.”
“I used to be. Eloise doesn’t like it.”
I laugh on cue. “If I were with someone who didn’t like pizza, there would be no future for us.”
“Yes, well, that’s the difference between you and her,” he boldly states.
“I’m sorry, Haden. Please just once and for all tell me… why are you marrying her?”
He shuffles uncomfortably. “I told you. I love her. It’s all about timing, right?”
“I know you said that,” I hate to admit. “But you just met her. How does a guy who’s used to jumping into random panties suddenly tie himself down?”