Page 30 of The Office Rival: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance
“So even if I can handle it, I’m not sure he can.”
“He has time to get used to the idea. The baby isn’t coming out now. You’re only four months along. Still another five months. Plenty of time,” Vicky reassures me.
I don’t feel reassured. I know Haden well enough to know this is not in his plan. It wasn’t in my plan either. But I know what I have to do. Haden would see this as the monumental fuck-up that ruined his life.
Marcus is still lingering around my cubicle when I return. He doesn’t seem worried that I disappeared, and instead, makes plans for lunch.
“I won’t be able to go out today. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”
“It can wait,” he states.
“No, it can’t.” My patience is wearing thin, and I just want to be alone for a minute to process my thoughts. “It’s probably best you just go for now.”
“What’s going on with you?” He raises his tone.
“Marcus.” I turn to face him. “I’m at work. I need this job to earn money. We can talk about things later.”
I turn back around, ignoring the fact that he is still standing there.
“Okay, I’ll call you tonight. I love you.” With a solemn goodbye, he leaves my cubicle, and finally, I have the peace I deserve.
Later that afternoon, Mr. Sadler calls me into his office to discuss the manuscript I have been working on for months.
“Good afternoon, Presley,” he greets me.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Sadler.”
Taking a seat at the table, he finishes an email he is typing, then turns to face me. Beside his phone is a picture of his wife. She is a pretty lady, and the one time I met her at a work function, she was very nice. There are only pictures of her and who I assume is his daughter. He once told me she lived in Korea with her husband.
“I called you in today to briefly discuss the manuscript you’ve been working on. You’ve got the green light to go ahead with that one.”
“Oh, wow! Thank you. That’s fantastic news.”
“There’s just one—”
The Jerk walks into the room without even knocking. Mr. Sadler’s face softens, and he motions for Haden to sit down. Taking a seat beside me, he leans back and crosses his legs accordingly, making me wonder how he managed that without squashing his masculine parts.
“So, as I was saying before Haden joined us, please go ahead with the manuscript for Fallen Baby. I’d like you to collaborate with Haden on releasing it before the holiday season.”
What the…
“But… but I don’t understand why we need to work on this project together. Besides, I thought he was busy with that sci-fi series he picked up in London?”
My panicked tone amuses Haden, and he cocks his head with a sly grin. From the corner of my eye, I can see that he is studying my body and, paranoid, I rest my hands on my stomach to cover the small bump that has grown overnight. Or so I think.
“Haden has been quite efficient, and that’s already at the printers ready to go. Both of you have strong opinions, and together, I believe you will make a great team.”
A great team? A great team was Regis and Kelly, Sonny and Cher, not Haden and Presley! And why is Haden not objecting to any of this, sitting here so quiet without an opinion.
“So that’s settled? Okay. I need to head out. Please feel free to use my office if you need to brainstorm.” Mr. Sadler is out of there fast, leaving my mouth gaping, staring in shock at the door.
“Why didn’t you say something?” I snap.
“What do you want me to say? I already had the same argument when he originally asked me,” he responds, too casually for my liking.
“We can’t work together.”
“Why not? We’re both professionals, Malone.”